Epic blog time?
Hmmmm maybe. I'll start now and see if I keep going! Hehe
SOOOOO a lot has been going on with me... Where to begin?
My grandpa isn't doing so great. As some of you know, we found out a couple weeks ago that he has colon cancer. He just had surgery a week ago and they removed like 2/3 of his colon. He's 72 years old, so bouncing back is a little more difficult... well... A LOT more difficult. He is miserable and in pain and on top of it all, we just found out that he needs to make a decision on whether or not to do chemo. I talk to him yesterday on the phone and it sounds like he may not do the chemo. He said he's getting to old for this shit... (those were his actual words, by the way. lol). In all honesty, I don't know how well he'd survive chemo right now. He's old and falling apart and unhappy.. I just don't know if it'd be a good idea. We'll just have to see. But he is sooo miserable. Which in turn, makes EVERYONE else miserable. Ugh...
My boyfriend, Brando, is also having some major problems with his family. His mother is extremely ill and in the hospital right now. I don't wanna put his business on blast so I won't delve in to the details of his mama's illness. But she has been EXTREMELY sick for about 20 years now and is just getting worse and worse by the hour it seems like. We are trying to stay positive but it's difficult to be right now. She is in critical condition and seems to have lost all hope. It is so sad and I hate that I can't do ANYTHING to help or cheer Brando up.
I am trying to just be there for him and make myself emotionally available for him which seems to help his mood a lot. I just wish I could do more.
OK... now I think that's all the sad stuff! Let's move on to happier things... Onward and upward! RIGHT?!
FUNNNNNN stuff is also going on in Peachee News!
My boss, the INCREDIBLE Bradley (formally Sixxer) went pink! FINALLY! If you have a mind to swing by her page and congratulate her, please do! She deserves it more than a lot of girls I know and I am soooo proud of her!
Bradley in Ginger Peach
Me and Bradley are also planning a bad ass craft night this Friday night. lol My friend Beastwars (Meghan) might be joining us too. We are soooooo excited! HAHA
Photo shoot update! I will be shooting with glennsweet on the 26th of this month!!! I am soooo jazzed and NOT cancelling for anything unless someone dies! Like for real. We're doin this! Miss Bradley worked her magic and got Glenn to come up here for the shoot and we're looking for a location. Bradley has been ABSOLUTELY amazing and helping me look for stuff and decide on outfits and whatnot. She's like... my SG coach! lol So, I'm finally getting a set out there, guys! Just be patient with me!
So... I'm thinking about getting my tongue pierced... Thoughts?
I just want another piercing soooo bad and I don't know what else to get. And I wanted my tongue pierced AGES ago and never did it. So, what does everyone think? Yay or nay?
So I had to drive downtown yesterday to drop off some loan docs to the corporate office of our company and I got sooooo ridiculously lost. It was insane. Haha! But I saw a lot of this...
Praying mantises have been following me these days...
I know that sounds weird, but I keep seeing them! And someone told me that they are lucky. I don't know if that's true, but I choose to believe it because it makes me feel special. Ya know "special"? lol
So, my dumb ass decided to start smoking again. Not chain smoking or anything like that. Just a smoke a day (that's cigarettes, folks! Weed is an all day event)
I used to smoke when I was a kid. I think from like 16 years old til I was like 19. I stopped because I decided smoking was gross. I still think it's gross but it helps calm my nerves and make me not as hungry. So yeah! I'll probably smoke for a month and quit again. Haha
So yesterday at work, I got a ring pop because they are amazing, but it broke within like 5 minutes. R.I.P. Cherry flavored Ring Pop
Now, here's a picture purge...
Lucy under the blankie
Me in glasses...
Back like 8 months ago when Brando and I decided to take a break, my friend Katie gave me this... BAHAHA!
I love this man...
especially when he does this (lol, my dork!):
My favorite sticker on my laptop:
Blood Into Wine
There's a peacock on my bookshelf (haha! cock!)
And I swear I'm not a narcissist! lol maybe I am... just a lil....
I leave you with boobies
Now all of you....
Follow moi on Twitter
P.S. Thank you all soooo much for your uplifting comments through everything. You all are so bad ass and I appreciate you all immensely!
Hmmmm maybe. I'll start now and see if I keep going! Hehe
SOOOOO a lot has been going on with me... Where to begin?
My grandpa isn't doing so great. As some of you know, we found out a couple weeks ago that he has colon cancer. He just had surgery a week ago and they removed like 2/3 of his colon. He's 72 years old, so bouncing back is a little more difficult... well... A LOT more difficult. He is miserable and in pain and on top of it all, we just found out that he needs to make a decision on whether or not to do chemo. I talk to him yesterday on the phone and it sounds like he may not do the chemo. He said he's getting to old for this shit... (those were his actual words, by the way. lol). In all honesty, I don't know how well he'd survive chemo right now. He's old and falling apart and unhappy.. I just don't know if it'd be a good idea. We'll just have to see. But he is sooo miserable. Which in turn, makes EVERYONE else miserable. Ugh...
My boyfriend, Brando, is also having some major problems with his family. His mother is extremely ill and in the hospital right now. I don't wanna put his business on blast so I won't delve in to the details of his mama's illness. But she has been EXTREMELY sick for about 20 years now and is just getting worse and worse by the hour it seems like. We are trying to stay positive but it's difficult to be right now. She is in critical condition and seems to have lost all hope. It is so sad and I hate that I can't do ANYTHING to help or cheer Brando up.

OK... now I think that's all the sad stuff! Let's move on to happier things... Onward and upward! RIGHT?!
FUNNNNNN stuff is also going on in Peachee News!
My boss, the INCREDIBLE Bradley (formally Sixxer) went pink! FINALLY! If you have a mind to swing by her page and congratulate her, please do! She deserves it more than a lot of girls I know and I am soooo proud of her!
Bradley in Ginger Peach

Me and Bradley are also planning a bad ass craft night this Friday night. lol My friend Beastwars (Meghan) might be joining us too. We are soooooo excited! HAHA
Photo shoot update! I will be shooting with glennsweet on the 26th of this month!!! I am soooo jazzed and NOT cancelling for anything unless someone dies! Like for real. We're doin this! Miss Bradley worked her magic and got Glenn to come up here for the shoot and we're looking for a location. Bradley has been ABSOLUTELY amazing and helping me look for stuff and decide on outfits and whatnot. She's like... my SG coach! lol So, I'm finally getting a set out there, guys! Just be patient with me!
So... I'm thinking about getting my tongue pierced... Thoughts?

I just want another piercing soooo bad and I don't know what else to get. And I wanted my tongue pierced AGES ago and never did it. So, what does everyone think? Yay or nay?
So I had to drive downtown yesterday to drop off some loan docs to the corporate office of our company and I got sooooo ridiculously lost. It was insane. Haha! But I saw a lot of this...

Praying mantises have been following me these days...

I know that sounds weird, but I keep seeing them! And someone told me that they are lucky. I don't know if that's true, but I choose to believe it because it makes me feel special. Ya know "special"? lol
So, my dumb ass decided to start smoking again. Not chain smoking or anything like that. Just a smoke a day (that's cigarettes, folks! Weed is an all day event)

I used to smoke when I was a kid. I think from like 16 years old til I was like 19. I stopped because I decided smoking was gross. I still think it's gross but it helps calm my nerves and make me not as hungry. So yeah! I'll probably smoke for a month and quit again. Haha
So yesterday at work, I got a ring pop because they are amazing, but it broke within like 5 minutes. R.I.P. Cherry flavored Ring Pop

Now, here's a picture purge...
Lucy under the blankie

Me in glasses...

Back like 8 months ago when Brando and I decided to take a break, my friend Katie gave me this... BAHAHA!

I love this man...

especially when he does this (lol, my dork!):

My favorite sticker on my laptop:

Blood Into Wine
There's a peacock on my bookshelf (haha! cock!)

And I swear I'm not a narcissist! lol maybe I am... just a lil....

I leave you with boobies

Now all of you....

Follow moi on Twitter
P.S. Thank you all soooo much for your uplifting comments through everything. You all are so bad ass and I appreciate you all immensely!
Not a problem....
You are wonderful. <3