Real quick:
Soooo.... there were a couple minor hiccups with the photo shoot which almost gave me an aneurism BUT thank goodness we're allllll gravy! SOOOO stoked to work with glennsweet and to meet Xylah. From what I hear, Pandorial might ALSO be there! it's gonna be a party! lol Not really, but it'll be a blast. Sooo looking forward to it! Just need to get my hairs did. I'm changing my hair up just a teensy bit so I am pretty stoked.
And now... I present:
Random Spewing of Photos: iPhone Edition
A little buddha statue I gave to my bf when he moved into his new apartment

Lucy chowin down on a bone


a fluffy giraffe pillow

a dead animal head lol

snuggle time on the couch

a praying mantis that I met outside my front door (isn't that supposed to be good luck?)

a button I bought from some homeless dude in Old Sac

My bulletin board at work with me and my love at the fair

kissy faces!

me today!

tanning bed bulbs look cool

my feetsies

Well, I have NOTHING interesting to say so I guess that's it for today! Hope everyone is having a good week so far!

Real quick:
Soooo.... there were a couple minor hiccups with the photo shoot which almost gave me an aneurism BUT thank goodness we're allllll gravy! SOOOO stoked to work with glennsweet and to meet Xylah. From what I hear, Pandorial might ALSO be there! it's gonna be a party! lol Not really, but it'll be a blast. Sooo looking forward to it! Just need to get my hairs did. I'm changing my hair up just a teensy bit so I am pretty stoked.

And now... I present:
Random Spewing of Photos: iPhone Edition
A little buddha statue I gave to my bf when he moved into his new apartment

Lucy chowin down on a bone


a fluffy giraffe pillow

a dead animal head lol

snuggle time on the couch

a praying mantis that I met outside my front door (isn't that supposed to be good luck?)

a button I bought from some homeless dude in Old Sac

My bulletin board at work with me and my love at the fair

kissy faces!

me today!

tanning bed bulbs look cool

my feetsies

Well, I have NOTHING interesting to say so I guess that's it for today! Hope everyone is having a good week so far!

he he youre so cute

So far, so good ( week ).