Light hearts are more funnnnn...
THIS just jumped to #1 priority on my Wish List! lol

NEED IT! I'm being dead serious. I want it desperately. I just got a new black down comforter and lavender sheets and I need something FABULOUS to go on it. This is that thing.
In other Peachee news...
Today, I bought my daughter...

...Lucy a tshirt that says "Free kisses" on it. It's purple and sorta snug on her but only cuz she's a fatty. It's basically the cutest thing on the planet. Pictures of that tomorrow probably! BAAAAAhahaha! Humans are so evil... lol
Ummmmmmaaaaaa....... what else what else what ekse......?
OH! I got an iPhone on Thursday. It's my single most favorite purchase I have made in the last 2 years. Money well spent. Especially considering the fact that my Blackberry was currently being held together with super glue.

Here are my Top 5 Favorite apps thus far:
#1 Hipstamatic (pictures coming soon)
#2 The SG app mostly because it's pink and makes the screen look pretty (not gonna lie!)
#3 The It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia app because they have sound bites from some HILARIOUS episodes
#4 Pandora for obvious reasons
#5 Diner of the Dead is an amazing game where you feed zombies and if you are a zombie freak like I am, you HAVE to get it! You'll be hooked immediately. Mark my words!
I've been getting ready for my shoot! It's gonna be soooo much fun! I'm shooting with glennsweet in Santa Cruz and the lovely Xylah will be shooting the same day so we get to finally meet for realsies! Both of our other halves are tagging along so it's really gonna be a blasty! We're gonna try to make a trip out of it because we're driving so far (like 2 hours), but I'm supposed to work the next day.

Anywhoooooo!!!!!! I'm off to track down some ice cream in my boyfriend's house. There HAS to be some somewhere around here, right?! Nom nom nom ... This needs to be me:

But right now this is me

No ice cream. HAAAAAARUMF!
UPDATE 10 MINUTES LATER: He has since gotten me ice cweeeeeeeamzzzzz! HAHAHA! I'm not a princess, I promise. I just got it like that sometimes when I'm nice.

Oh yeah! And...

BYEEEEEEE! x to the izz-o!
Have fun on your shoot.