Ok, the reason for no posts or answering of messages or friend request answering is lack of sufficient internet capabilities in my house! Sorry!
So I have officially started my travels, sitting in Sydney Central YHA currently at 8.30am after drinking much last night and not eating for almost 36 hours (stupid trees), so I have no idea why I am coherant at this hour....
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So I have officially started my travels, sitting in Sydney Central YHA currently at 8.30am after drinking much last night and not eating for almost 36 hours (stupid trees), so I have no idea why I am coherant at this hour....
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There are three computers in my house and every single one of them decided to fuck themselves today. Today. Three days before my exams! SERIOUSLY! ARGH!
So I am sitting at work trying to download as much uni info onto my small usb as possible, and what doesn't fit will have to be printed out. Sorry environment.
On a different note, I saw a guy...
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So I am sitting at work trying to download as much uni info onto my small usb as possible, and what doesn't fit will have to be printed out. Sorry environment.
On a different note, I saw a guy...
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There's generally a cute person drought nation wide. Good luck with the study!
Electornic brain death is bad enough at times, but when three of them go, all at once, welll that just plain makes you go ouch.
As for the crush thing, I know what you mean...while there are pleanty of attractive females where I live, ther are however, a pleantiful lack of attractive girls who are sufficently alternative enough to make me glance twice.
As for the crush thing, I know what you mean...while there are pleanty of attractive females where I live, ther are however, a pleantiful lack of attractive girls who are sufficently alternative enough to make me glance twice.
Awww! Your kitten is adorable!
Well, can't really comment on the last blog, having only just introduced myself...
But kittens are awsome ooshie booshie....makes me miss my cat sometimes, even if he did make me sneeze and found my foot a strange but comfortable place to sleep.
But kittens are awsome ooshie booshie....makes me miss my cat sometimes, even if he did make me sneeze and found my foot a strange but comfortable place to sleep.
FUCK! I just wrote this massive blog about how I'm not ok and how me and the Ex talked for hours and everything is over completely, and then my computer fucked itself and I lost the whole thing. There is no way I can go through the pain of writing it all again so fuck it.
Stupid fucking technology.
I've lost my best friend and...
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Stupid fucking technology.
I've lost my best friend and...
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If it makes you feel any better, you're not the only one who feels like they're losing it a bit. Buuuuuut every cloud has a silver lining. It takes time (and time is a fucking you know what), but things will be better, you'll see.
Sydneysider here. Are you in SGAU? (I was, but not right now -- long story.)
I can't give you mush useful advice about the emotional stuff ...except to say, allow yourself some time, and don't be too hard on yourself.
I can't give you mush useful advice about the emotional stuff ...except to say, allow yourself some time, and don't be too hard on yourself.
Hello new Aussie girl? How goes it? Canberran?
Fluffy snitten! I have two of those cept now they ar 1 yrs old. Yours is super cute!
Girls night was crazy!
My brother's gf came over with her friend, and they are just 18 and very spritely and remind me of how I was 2 yrs ago. Anyway they decided that they wanted to get dressed up and go out. So we had many a jaegerbomb and lots of vodka red bull before we went out. The two youngens went out early...
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My brother's gf came over with her friend, and they are just 18 and very spritely and remind me of how I was 2 yrs ago. Anyway they decided that they wanted to get dressed up and go out. So we had many a jaegerbomb and lots of vodka red bull before we went out. The two youngens went out early...
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Trees is hungover.
Stupidly went out last night because a girl that had been staying at the hostel over summer came back for one night to say goodbye to everyone. We had had a small thing when she was here, that never really amounted to anything as whenever it came to going back to someone's house there would always be something stopping us.
I have...
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Stupidly went out last night because a girl that had been staying at the hostel over summer came back for one night to say goodbye to everyone. We had had a small thing when she was here, that never really amounted to anything as whenever it came to going back to someone's house there would always be something stopping us.
I have...
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Presentations are lame, i have one on Tuesday. Anyway good luck with your one
PS. I will be you SG boyfriend

PS. I will be you SG boyfriend

Woo! I have my first SG friend! I have been pretty picky so far so it has been slow going, but you seem awsome and I want to read your blogs. Plus who can resist a gal with purple hair 

Does anyone else realy really excited/happy when they see the "New Rancid Album" banner at the top of the page?
It makes me smile everytime.
I can't wait till they come to Aus!!
Now for more uni work.
It makes me smile everytime.
I can't wait till they come to Aus!!
Now for more uni work.
indeed. i am incredibly excited. I move all the time, but usually just back and forth between the same two places.
Agreed, purple!!! It's very sexy, and my fave colour!!!
Hair colours from the past few months
I had the weirdest dream last night/this morning.
(I just woke up so it's still fresh and I thought I'd write it down)
My Ex had come to visit me and kind of dodged having sex with me which is really odd because we only see each other about once a month and I know he's not sleeping with anyone else so normally we go...
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(I just woke up so it's still fresh and I thought I'd write it down)
My Ex had come to visit me and kind of dodged having sex with me which is really odd because we only see each other about once a month and I know he's not sleeping with anyone else so normally we go...
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I can relate to that. Knocks the wind out of you, doesn't it?
I fucking failed my stupid fucking english essay because I forgot to press spellcheck at the end and printed it off and handed it in. I've never failed anything in my life and thus I am FREAKING OUT!
I do not want to have to repeat this unit. It's bullshit.
I do not want to have to repeat this unit. It's bullshit.
I know the feeling... I got sick for 2 weeks before my mid-semester exams, but decided to sit them anyway rather than going through the tedious extension process. It was a bad call. I managed to fail my exams for both biology and chemistry. Don't worry, there's plenty of worse things that could happen.
Sydney is heaps fun everytime I go there. It's a place that's got character to say the least.