Thanks to all of our SG Columbus + Dayton/Cincy friends for an awesome Saturday night at the High Five! I'm so glad to have found all of you here! You guys are part of what's keeping me somewhat sane at the moment. Allow me to explain...
I've found myself wishing for a simpler life a lot lately. This may be due to a number of major changes, mostly at work, but it just seems like too much is going on, too fast. If I could take some prized possessions to a small cabin in the woods, with my world band radio and perhaps my cell phone the highest forms of technology, I would probably go there for a month. I don't have such a place, and I doubt I would want to permanently own one unless I had a ton of extra money, but dammit, I would get a good, peaceful spot to go to. In the meantime, what can I do to accomplish something close to this? The temporary idealist has definitely paid a visit.
In unrelated matters, I would like to take a moment to express my sadness at the passing of Peter Jennings, one of an elite group of journalists who helped mold my intense interest in world affairs. It is a shame to see him depart, as his style of proper journalism also seems to have. It's no wonder Tom Brokaw and so many other greats have disappeared so fast lately; the media has become something they didn't want to be a part of (hype, fear, bias, etc). While their ages and years of service were the main parts of their decisions to step down, this factor probably made them go earlier than anticipated. Thank you very much, Mr. Jennings. Peace and blessings to you and yours.
I've found myself wishing for a simpler life a lot lately. This may be due to a number of major changes, mostly at work, but it just seems like too much is going on, too fast. If I could take some prized possessions to a small cabin in the woods, with my world band radio and perhaps my cell phone the highest forms of technology, I would probably go there for a month. I don't have such a place, and I doubt I would want to permanently own one unless I had a ton of extra money, but dammit, I would get a good, peaceful spot to go to. In the meantime, what can I do to accomplish something close to this? The temporary idealist has definitely paid a visit.
In unrelated matters, I would like to take a moment to express my sadness at the passing of Peter Jennings, one of an elite group of journalists who helped mold my intense interest in world affairs. It is a shame to see him depart, as his style of proper journalism also seems to have. It's no wonder Tom Brokaw and so many other greats have disappeared so fast lately; the media has become something they didn't want to be a part of (hype, fear, bias, etc). While their ages and years of service were the main parts of their decisions to step down, this factor probably made them go earlier than anticipated. Thank you very much, Mr. Jennings. Peace and blessings to you and yours.
i guess a lil of both 

I really lost interest in the news for the same reason....those old guys were great, now everyone is just the rest of the media world