No matter what is happening in your life or of those around you. Take a second to look upon the sky and remember that there are people above us living in a space station. Taking care of each other and the station (their home) they occupy. Here is the latest news of what the crew is expecting...Spacecraft Traffic at ISS
Here is the current crew of the ISS: Expedition 39 Crew
We too are living on a different kind of space station. Doing our daily routine can be mundane, repetitive, and unfulfilling. We forget there is something else more important happening in the world. We get caught up in our own world that we forget about the other billions of people that occupy this pale blue dot. (Yes, I stole that from Carl Sagan)
Complaining about traffic, annoying assholes at work, cancellation of your favorite T.V. show. We should work on being better to each other so we can be better to this planet. Next time you're upset with a co-worker, random person, or a family member. Remember these six people having to work together abroad the International Space Station to ensure their safety and the continually upkeep of the place they call home.