shit, i have been away for a couple of days...

my payment expired, but now i'm back!
i'm pretty hyped, i just came back from my first gig ever!

i wasn't nervous at al!, i can't believe it, and all the people there were realy positive about our gig...

i said before that i realy think that we rock, but other people seem to think...
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Welcome back and congrats on your gig. We were wondering what happened to you, thought you'd gone forever (like why would anyone leave SGs?!). Glad to see you're back though en geniet er van (the website and the awesome gig)!
damn, this morning i came back from amsterdam, and my new bike (i had it only for 1 and a half weeks) was stolen...mad
today prety much sucks

my voice is as good as gone, and i feel ill, and this time its not too much booze, couse eventhoug we had a big party with free drinks at a former stripclub, i didn't drink that...
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Bummer about the bike!

I didn't make it to the vert, but I probably would have been the one to drink too much at the stripclub, so maybe just as well.

Hope your voice comes back to normal in time for the gig. Take it easy practicing.

october 17th we 've got our first gig!
its our guitarplayers birthday party at a pretty small veneu, but i'm realy looking forward to it.
we will mostly be playing our old songs (well we only exist for about half a year) but we don't want to fuck up on new stuff we don't realy know yet.
but the new stuff sounds realy off the...
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Skates and music. You have the life.
I never knew how many types of salami available in Holland (and cheese, I love cheese). Life is good. Congrats on the gig, I'm sure you'll kick ass. Nick Cave sure does a great cover of "somethings got a hold of my heart" from kicking against the pricks. It's sunday afternoon and still in pajamas, nick cave and salami. May it last...
Let us know how it goes, heh?
time to work a litle harder...

i have been a bit lazy lately, but wit all the bad luck i've had lately, i thought i had the right to do nothing for a couple of days...
right now things look a lot brighter, and i've got energy to do stuff again.

what also makes me feel good is knowing that a nice girl has got...
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hi tree

Sounds like it might be worth missing the Donnas for the vert. Do you actually do it yourself? I hear Holland is kind of famous for vert pipes and walls. For me it would be strictly a spectator sport, but I'd like to take an event in.

if you see a bike in the center of town, unlocked, and come back 45 minutes later, and its still there, and then you take it home, thats not stealing right?

if it is, i'll burn in hell for the frog i threw on the ice when i was 8 anyway...

today i realy had some bad timing...
i bought a second hand bike, for...
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Hey Tree. What do you play (instrument/music)? Do you guys write your own stuff? I'd like to learn how to play the accordian. Seriously, one of the most versitile. But mostly I'd just learn to play russian gypsy songs. That'd be fun.
So you took the bike, huh? Happens around here a lot, I think. Everyday I'm on the train and I get home and I'm glad I still have my wallet. Even though it's empty..

somebody stole my bike last night.
i don't get why they took mine, it had 2 heavy locks on it, and looks like shit (although it is very good)
there were a lot of othet bikes with way lighter locks on it, that looked way better and were easyer to nik...

so i'll have to take a bus to work...
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That is SHITTY!! Having a bike in Holland is like having an arm or something. Life without it just stinks. Thieves just do it to be assholes. But you'd think two locks wouldn't be worth the trouble... and weren't there people around to say "hey asshole, that's not your bike?!" But I guess dutch people mind their own business a lot. Good you had a nice time at the party though.... maar ook toch, gecondoleerd,
They stole my bike a week ago too. That makes bike number 3 in a year. To prevent being stolen again I bought a old and not very good one last time and had a good lock two, but they stole it at Saturday afternoon, at daylight at the corner of a populated crossing. They cut the lock with a big professional tool.
Alles Arschlcher!

The only way to prevent it is to paint your bike in such a stupid and eye-catching way that makes it very unique so that the thieves cannot sell it.
i woke up at 3 in the morning again...
this has happened to me a lot lately, usually i sust drink some water, walk around the hous a bit, and go back to sleep.
but sometimes i just cant sleep again (like now) i hate that, my alarm goes off at 6, so i should be sleeping i guess..

my wrist still hurts a lot,...
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Hey cheese-boy (from Alkmaar), I didn't sleep last night either, probably from all the caffeine... 6am is alright, took a little getting used to, to get to Utrecht on time. 5th flat tire on your bike I'm assuming and don't see a lot of skaters in Holland. Great choice in bands. Groeten,
As long as you skated. smile
my skates are as good as dead, but my new skates are not in yet...
i'm gonna get theseskates but with different frames and wheels

the thing is that the skates i have now ( the old verison of these) supposedly run a litle smaller, so now i'm not sure wich size i should get, and thus cant get them at a mailorder.
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but non rollers will probably never understand...
sunday i fucked up my wrist/hand at the new local skatepark.
this means i wont be able to work or skate for a while.
it is my right hand, and, yes i'm right handed, so everything i do takes atleast twice as long.

today i'm going to try to find a brase or somthing so i finaly do something again (i know this is only...
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bad luck mate, sorry to hear that.
using your left hand aint as good but still does the trick
you got me REAL excited about your new company,
c'mon, tell me the name at least.