still not sure if i'll keep this account...
if i don't "uncansel" i'm here untill jan 17th...

so, give me a reason to stay, couse right now, i don't think its worth the money...

but i did have a good time today, and tomorow my friend jeremy is performing in haarlem with his band sodap, so that is gonna kick ass!

so, again, peace and...
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hey, thanks for the commentsmile i am starting to love true savanahs, but not skated for a while as i am just recovering from a broken wrist, which sucked.

i need a new pair of skates but so undecided what to get, i there aint to many i want, cept shima 3's but i cant find them any where for a decent price, so was thinking of either cult 3's or RB frankie morals??? and i used to hate TRS.

is there much to skate close to you then?
Stay for me!


But don't lose track of me. I'm keepin' track of you ... one of my favorites.


for years i have skated the same brand of skates, they are called remedyz, or remz and are prety unique.
the old style remz fitted like a glove, and the alround performance was just amazing, i tried a lot of other brands, but remz just where the bomb...

this year, they redesigned and upgraded the boot, with all kinds of things that, if you reed...
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smile Did you try them out yet?
a hybris skate sounds good, would love to see a picture of them
get a grip boy!
set your goals!

note to self: get some sleep....
wow al new things in the profile section...

i'll re do my profile soon...
i think i should be looking for a printer/scanner right about now...
thing is, i don't have any money (well not a lot anyway)

i was planning on working some more, but work has been pretty slow at my job, so i cant make any extra hours...

but whatever, this week was good, and sunday i'm goning to try some new skates, what i'm realy...
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i canselled sg...

don't realy know why, and i think i'll be back some day, but right now, i noticed that i only check the site once a week or less.

well, peace to all

see you later.
I'll miss you, man. I gotta admit, SG is mostly an American thing, and mostly west coast at that. Still, I find it an amazing site in one way: you can actually talk with (or at least put on airs with) hot, intelligent, naked women. But you're right; there's no point paying for it if you're not using it. Sorry we didn't hang out more here. My SG orientation is mostly Boards, not Journal (or at least not my journal).

See you if you come back.

the times have come that not only i leave the house in the dark in the morning, but i also come home in the dark as well...

this is one of the things i dislike about winters, and the cold and rain (usually more rain than snow in holland)

its a good thing they build some more indoor skateparks in holland, so that i can...
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damn i'm lazy!
there is loads and loads of things i should be doing, but i didn't do anything yesterday, and don't feel like doing anything today...

i think my koffee is ready, so lets see if i can get my lazy ass to do somethining after i had my koffee...
the wheather is weird this year in holland...
it was the hottest summer in years, and the longest period of warm days in years too, now october was the coldest since 1974, and we already had snow...

usually the winters are pretty rainy but now the fall seems more like winter...
and yes i hate rain... (i do EVERYTHING by bike and i rollerblade)

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Hey Tree
Just a quick note (since I'm at school!). I've moved closer to Utrecht but I don't have a computer so it's a little harder for me to get here...
Unfortunately, I just found out on friday that I will need to move again by the end of the month since my roomate is moving to Eindhoven for a job. This sucks!! So I'm frantically looking for a new place (and right about now it doesn't matter where!!). Know anyone with a free room???
I super-enjoyed the snow!! It made me sing Christmas carols and think of my trip home (Canada). Hang in there, the winter will be over before you know it (guarenteed)!
Hi Tree

Sorry to fade out for awhile, I've got an attention span problem.

I might even try rollerblading if it would get me free beer at your birthday party - I'd probably need it by intravenous drip, though.
i need a new scanner, an new printer, a new oven and a new girlfriend.

i do however have a new friend, that is a girl, i have 2 working bikes (not new) a new phone, and a lot of energy.

so, life is pretty good again.
my house is getting nicer and nicer, both the result and the couse of a lot of energy,...
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Scanner, oven, printer, girlfriend: I guess the order reflects the order of priorities? biggrin

I'll try to continue an enlisch-spoken journal here, but I know your reading-understanding of German is quite good anyway.

PS: someone told me that the German verb "klarkommen" has a significantly different meaning in Dutch... wink biggrin