jan 24th is my 30th birthday...

30!, damn!

atleast its a good reason for a huge party biggrin

i still have to arange some things, but from what it looks like now, over a 100 rollerbladers will be present at my party, in the local skatepark surreal

and i'm playing with my band, and there will be a band of a good friend of mine...

i made...
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Its a few days early but Happy Birthday! I hope your party goes well, it sounds like fun.
the big 3 0 huh ...hehe I'm gonna be hitting the big 2-5 pretty soon I'm not lookin forward to it hmmm
sounds like your goin to have a hoot though smile
as for the girl...friends=good too wink
i still don't know what she wants with me...

like always...

ik think i should figure out what i want with her first, haha

oh well...


HUMM... confused
you never know ask ask ask smile
have you asked her straight out?
just came home from barcalona last night.
had a killer 5 days!
we stayed at a friends house, and filmed for a video section for my friend steven.
barcalona has the best skatespots, and nobody gives you a hard time if you skate...

i already called it the san diego of europe, but i'm pretty sure it is gonna replace san diego as the rollerblading...
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sounds awesome! i wanna go skating... fucking snow. wanna get married?
this new years eve is gonna be great, or it's realy gonna suck, i don't think there is an inbetween...
the bar where i'm planning to party is going to be completely overcrowded (is that a word?) dut usualy the people there are cool, i just don't know how its going to be tonight.

an other place that i realy wanted to go to has...
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I'm sure you'll have a great time reguardless of where you are...Yey to new buddies smile
the new years eve party that i was supposed to go to dissapeard, but another poped right up out of nowhere, and i 'm realy looking forward to it!
instead of selebrating with all the oldskool dutch rollers, i'm going to a more low key party with some friends.

i wated to write more, but i cant put it all in coherent english words...

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silly silly ....
I know the feeling of jumbled words ...I so wasn't making fun ur ne thing
Hope you have a Grand ole New Years smile
i feel pretty good today, got a lot to do, but i'll get off my lazy as in a minute, and hope to be done before 2 pm so i can still go out and roll in amsterdam...

yesterday was lots of fun, my house isn't all that big, and i had 5 friends over for a big x-mas meal, emptied my living room, and...
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us should try our falafel. its so much better then the cheap version in holland...come here &we will share oryon,the best food on earth.
ho & the hash is worth try also biggrin
Yep, I'm flying back on the 3rd. I'm really confused about the whole thing. I'm really looking forward to school and my vet program and stuff but I miss home and my boyfriend. Sometimes it all seems so hopeless between the two of us. But what to do? I got some cowboy boots for Christmas so I'm pretty happy. And no, I don't do the line dancing thing. wink
ate a lot of veggie food the last 2 days...
i had 5 friend over today, and it was fun.

i'll update more soon, now i want some sleep...
haahaah ik heb alles begrepen...ik spreek nederlands,een beetje,maar ik begrijp. (spreek ik het goed uit? wink )
so we can do that too... biggrin
soundslike good times ...
monday morning 6:17...
don't feel like going to work...

i woke up yesterday afternoon, and there where strange people sleeping on my couch...
i realy realy did not know them, but i vaguely remember meeting them at a party, and they had no place to sleep, so the slept on my couch...

thats about how drunk i was, they could have stolen everything i own......
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they seem pretty cool. neways. i am off for a skate with learoy while the weather is nice, but all he wants to do is skte park, so we will have to set out a comprimise i think

hey u......sorry to b rude but i didnt notice u r on my friends list til now....so hey anyway whatever
sooooo live in holland &non smokin?? hmmm....wowow eeek
how come?
where r u located in holland? im movein' to amsterdam in april.... biggrin
i guess i just needed u hug...
and maybe i still do, but i already feel better, and i desided i'll give sg another chanse...


today when i came home frome work, i put on my monitor (my computer was still on DLing) i completly freaked, couse my monitor was all fucked up, it was bright green, and flickering, and i was sure it...
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