i might be back later...
i forgot to get bread yesterday, so now i'll have to check what i've got for breakfast...
i think the only thing i've got in the house is french fries...
fries before 7 in the morning, is that a good idea?
lets check...
haha (fixed breakfast)
i'm eating warm kidney beans now with ketchup...
pretty good i must say!
i think the only thing i've got in the house is french fries...
fries before 7 in the morning, is that a good idea?
lets check...
haha (fixed breakfast)
i'm eating warm kidney beans now with ketchup...
pretty good i must say!
breakfast of champions eh?
i'm going shopping for cheap but healthy food, that will last me till my next pay is in (2 weeks)
haha, probably not, but i should realy try to not spent so much money on useless stuff...
i used to be able to work a litle extra at my work, but i guess buisness is realy slow right now, and i guess i was pretty...
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haha, probably not, but i should realy try to not spent so much money on useless stuff...
i used to be able to work a litle extra at my work, but i guess buisness is realy slow right now, and i guess i was pretty...
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good thinking!! umm hey hows it going ? remember me?

i hadn't been to hardcore shows in a wile, but monday was sick of it al, with 2 other bands.
the music was cool, but i never knew that a pit at a hardcore show could be such a balet performance!
there were a couple of guys that knew exactly what dance to do when, it was pathetic, but by the time sick of it...
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the music was cool, but i never knew that a pit at a hardcore show could be such a balet performance!
there were a couple of guys that knew exactly what dance to do when, it was pathetic, but by the time sick of it...
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hey...just came across you and thought I'd say hi. You surf?
whats that?? an inliner that didnt go to a hip hop show
did most precious blood play??
so you been able to do much skating recently? its rained so much over here. oh and it snowed too. so not been up to much really..

did most precious blood play??
so you been able to do much skating recently? its rained so much over here. oh and it snowed too. so not been up to much really..

they say there is a snowstorm on its way to here...
i think i wont go to work by bike then...
and i realy realy hope the trains are riding saturday, or my party is gonna be fucked...
now i'm gonna check ig i dont have any warmer gloves for tomorow (forgot my gloves at work yesterday)
but hey, the days are getting longer, we...
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i think i wont go to work by bike then...
and i realy realy hope the trains are riding saturday, or my party is gonna be fucked...
now i'm gonna check ig i dont have any warmer gloves for tomorow (forgot my gloves at work yesterday)
but hey, the days are getting longer, we...
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and the party is on!
fuck the local skate park, my party now is at the Rollywood skatepark arnhem...
its a bit smaller, and at the other side of the country, but fuck it!, its owned by rollerbaders (verry chill guys)
and the party is on!
curent mood: euforic!
hell yeah, free beer for all rollerbaders!
and the party is on!
fuck the local skate park, my party now is at the Rollywood skatepark arnhem...
its a bit smaller, and at the other side of the country, but fuck it!, its owned by rollerbaders (verry chill guys)
and the party is on!
curent mood: euforic!
hell yeah, free beer for all rollerbaders!
in 5 minutes i'm 30, and i feel like shit...
not becouse i get 30, but becouse i just heared that my huge party at the skatepark isn't going to happen...
this is one of the biggest bummers i ever had.
now i have to find an alternative location and the party is next week...
i know a skatepark where it would probably be no...
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not becouse i get 30, but becouse i just heared that my huge party at the skatepark isn't going to happen...
this is one of the biggest bummers i ever had.
now i have to find an alternative location and the party is next week...
i know a skatepark where it would probably be no...
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three motherfuckin oh!
well, tomorow...
well, tomorow...
i hate the rain!
how many posts here started like that already, damn, i realy should move to barcalona!
atleast try to live there in the winter...
aftrer 4 days of streetskatig in a t-shirt in barcalona, i have seen 3 weeks of rain here...
only had 1 halfasses street sesion here...
i'm realy gonna check if there is any posibillity to spent next winter...
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how many posts here started like that already, damn, i realy should move to barcalona!
atleast try to live there in the winter...
aftrer 4 days of streetskatig in a t-shirt in barcalona, i have seen 3 weeks of rain here...
only had 1 halfasses street sesion here...
i'm realy gonna check if there is any posibillity to spent next winter...
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i know how you feel. except for the going to barcalona bit
there are a few guys from around where i live going to paris in july. i cant wait. will be the first proper organised street skating trip ive been on.
you will have to post me the site dtails when it goes up. that sounds great fun
id love to join in but, u live too far. well for my budget at the moment anyway

there are a few guys from around where i live going to paris in july. i cant wait. will be the first proper organised street skating trip ive been on.
you will have to post me the site dtails when it goes up. that sounds great fun

jan 24th is my 30th birthday...
30!, damn!
atleast its a good reason for a huge party
i still have to arange some things, but from what it looks like now, over a 100 rollerbladers will be present at my party, in the local skatepark
and i'm playing with my band, and there will be a band of a good friend of mine...
i made...
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30!, damn!
atleast its a good reason for a huge party

i still have to arange some things, but from what it looks like now, over a 100 rollerbladers will be present at my party, in the local skatepark

and i'm playing with my band, and there will be a band of a good friend of mine...
i made...
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Its a few days early but Happy Birthday! I hope your party goes well, it sounds like fun.
the big 3 0 huh ...hehe I'm gonna be hitting the big 2-5 pretty soon I'm not lookin forward to it hmmm
sounds like your goin to have a hoot though
as for the girl...friends=good too
sounds like your goin to have a hoot though

as for the girl...friends=good too

i still don't know what she wants with me...
like always...
ik think i should figure out what i want with her first, haha
oh well...
like always...
ik think i should figure out what i want with her first, haha
oh well...

you never know ask ask ask
have you asked her straight out?

have you asked her straight out?
lot of new things to check...