So... the weather...!
Ha Ha, No, kidding!!
Part 1:
Well I've been quite... away... haven't had much time to stop and give some time to SG, other then the random comments on my faves/friends blogs (can't resist that
), but luckily I'll have some time in two weeks, so stay toned!
I've also noticed I can't really be in chat and keep up with everything without losing the interest and going to look at something else...
I'll try again later...!
Part 2:
On other news, I finally got time to finish reading the Dune series again, (a big THANK YOU!! to Abbiss, you know I love you, in a weird, and twisted, but not so physical way!
) and am now when the time permits, reading
Songs of Ice and Fire which rocks so far (Thank You dingy for suggesting it!!).
Part 3:
I tried Age of Reckoning for a while, since I'm a big fan of Warhammer, and Mythic Entertainment, even had 6 friends playing with me, but dumped it mostly because none of us had time to play it for real, and healers suck (shame on Mythic making a MMO with sucky healing classes...).
Par 4:
Work is great, I'm going all distributed on the shitz!! And since my poor laptop died 2 months ago, I'm thinking about buying one of this, they are great for work, weight nearly nothing, are super cheap and the black one looks great! (Oh yes and I know how to install windows XP on them).
Part 5:
Ha Ha, No, kidding!!

Part 1:
Well I've been quite... away... haven't had much time to stop and give some time to SG, other then the random comments on my faves/friends blogs (can't resist that

I've also noticed I can't really be in chat and keep up with everything without losing the interest and going to look at something else...

Part 2:
On other news, I finally got time to finish reading the Dune series again, (a big THANK YOU!! to Abbiss, you know I love you, in a weird, and twisted, but not so physical way!

Songs of Ice and Fire which rocks so far (Thank You dingy for suggesting it!!).
Part 3:
I tried Age of Reckoning for a while, since I'm a big fan of Warhammer, and Mythic Entertainment, even had 6 friends playing with me, but dumped it mostly because none of us had time to play it for real, and healers suck (shame on Mythic making a MMO with sucky healing classes...).
Par 4:
Work is great, I'm going all distributed on the shitz!! And since my poor laptop died 2 months ago, I'm thinking about buying one of this, they are great for work, weight nearly nothing, are super cheap and the black one looks great! (Oh yes and I know how to install windows XP on them).
Part 5:
*Heavy Breathing*
Ok, think that was all, to anyone who might have read half of that, kudos to you! To the rest, meh!!!! *shakes fist*
Love you all (well not all but still, sounds cool and shit)
drooling at who?