Life is great! I just suck at it!
Maybe I should find religion but it's so hard to find one that fits!
On other hand, been playing far too much WoW with someone!
But it's fun!
And leads to me not showing up in chat as often
But I still pop in chat whenever I can! But my laptop hates chat, can't even lurk people properly!
Ah well that's my life, how's yours?
Love you all!

Maybe I should find religion but it's so hard to find one that fits!

On other hand, been playing far too much WoW with someone!

But it's fun!

But I still pop in chat whenever I can! But my laptop hates chat, can't even lurk people properly!

Ah well that's my life, how's yours?

Love you all!

Playing at video games is bad.
Life is bad.
You're bad!