Updated my web site AND posted the first installment of my serial web fiction. It's called Nothing Chance, set in a setting I call In The Shadows Of Gaia - A Dark Futuristic Universe of Magic Infused Technology.
Check it out!
Oops. Link - www.10nw-web.com. The story is being edited and should be back up very soon!
Check it out!
Oops. Link - www.10nw-web.com. The story is being edited and should be back up very soon!
I am NOT blind to my own inadequacies. I am considerably overweight. I don't get hit on or find myself keeping the throngs of women at bay because of my looks. I have been discriminated against because of my weight and often find women want to "be my friend" and are not attracted to me at all.
I have some good friends who have been frank with me. I started my journey at 312 lbs and am now 255 lbs. I am still losing weight, working on it everyday.
LV asked for constructive criticism. Read my comment again. I discussed the hypocrisy in my comment.
I did not give her advice as a "man" looking at her in ANY light. I gave it as a my conjecture of why her set may have been rejected in the spirit of her improving her odds as a model. Nothing more.
Was it direct (maybe even harsh)? Sure. You can't get better at something by having people coddle you. You have to dig in and learn.
Also, did you read ANY of the positive aspects of my comment at all?