Sunday Blogs (03-09-08)!
OK, Today I wanted to get some work done for my day job, but my Dad came home so instead we hung out and went to movies. We saw Vantage Point (excellent!) and Jumper (Good!). I love the creative scene shaping in Vantage Point where you rewind back to the start and switch, well, vantage points. It was brilliant. Jumper was good, but as my Dad brought up, it's a fairly tired battle between good and evil with a fairly weak plot implementation. As a roleplayer and super geek, I liked the particulars, but the average movie-goer is not probably going to appreciate those particulars. Also, Haden and Samuel together again seemed to have the same chemistry as the Star Wars flicks, so that didn't add anything to it. Such as it is.
I will be at work late tomorrow, so if you're trying to reach me, don't bother. Email is best when I can come up for air, I will get back to you.
This weekend is Howitzer training week at Ft. Lewis. The booms shake the house; I love it. I pretend I am some frantic underground writer in the war torn invaded US trying to get my voice heard outside to inspire the nations of the world to help us. But I am weird so I imagine other people find it unsettling. Besides, it's a stupid fantasy. The world hates us so much they would stand back and giggle why we burned. Probably would have to join the resistance and die for my patriotism. Sad really.
I am currently in one of my lack of inspiration moments. I don't' find anything really lighting my fires. Basically, whenever I get ready to just settle down and find myself, I end up volunteering my time away. Talk about "not dealing with it", I have honed this act into a well oiled psychological auto-reaction. It's awesome (if by awesome you mean pathetically tiring - of course). I now see it for what it is, so now I am going to know it the fuck off.
What do I really want to do? Off the top of my head a) get in physical shape b) write (both fiction and my roleplaying supplements) c) create maps for my roleplaying supplements and d) create electronic music. I have pretty much decided that's what the next year holds for me. I need to a) stop volunteering to take on projects and b) stick to my guns. Seriously, my flakiness is starting to bother me, and I am the flakey one.
I have one commitment that I really need to finish and then I can focus on what I want to do. Of course, work is kicking my ass, so that is not helping either. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, and I get paid well but sometimes I feel like this dark void is growing inside me and trying to steal my soul. I usually take a vacation at that point. It works too.
Battlestar Gallactica is coming in April! Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles had its season finale. It left on a cliffhanger. GODS PLEASE DON'T LET FOX CANCEL THIS ONE!!!!! I mean, this could result in furious retaliation and all kinds of shit. Don't do it Fox, don't even fucking thing about it. I also started watching New Amsterdam and the HBO In Treatment. Thank the gods for DVR because my schedule is too chaotic to follow a schedule.
OK, Today I wanted to get some work done for my day job, but my Dad came home so instead we hung out and went to movies. We saw Vantage Point (excellent!) and Jumper (Good!). I love the creative scene shaping in Vantage Point where you rewind back to the start and switch, well, vantage points. It was brilliant. Jumper was good, but as my Dad brought up, it's a fairly tired battle between good and evil with a fairly weak plot implementation. As a roleplayer and super geek, I liked the particulars, but the average movie-goer is not probably going to appreciate those particulars. Also, Haden and Samuel together again seemed to have the same chemistry as the Star Wars flicks, so that didn't add anything to it. Such as it is.
I will be at work late tomorrow, so if you're trying to reach me, don't bother. Email is best when I can come up for air, I will get back to you.
This weekend is Howitzer training week at Ft. Lewis. The booms shake the house; I love it. I pretend I am some frantic underground writer in the war torn invaded US trying to get my voice heard outside to inspire the nations of the world to help us. But I am weird so I imagine other people find it unsettling. Besides, it's a stupid fantasy. The world hates us so much they would stand back and giggle why we burned. Probably would have to join the resistance and die for my patriotism. Sad really.
I am currently in one of my lack of inspiration moments. I don't' find anything really lighting my fires. Basically, whenever I get ready to just settle down and find myself, I end up volunteering my time away. Talk about "not dealing with it", I have honed this act into a well oiled psychological auto-reaction. It's awesome (if by awesome you mean pathetically tiring - of course). I now see it for what it is, so now I am going to know it the fuck off.
What do I really want to do? Off the top of my head a) get in physical shape b) write (both fiction and my roleplaying supplements) c) create maps for my roleplaying supplements and d) create electronic music. I have pretty much decided that's what the next year holds for me. I need to a) stop volunteering to take on projects and b) stick to my guns. Seriously, my flakiness is starting to bother me, and I am the flakey one.
I have one commitment that I really need to finish and then I can focus on what I want to do. Of course, work is kicking my ass, so that is not helping either. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, and I get paid well but sometimes I feel like this dark void is growing inside me and trying to steal my soul. I usually take a vacation at that point. It works too.
Battlestar Gallactica is coming in April! Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles had its season finale. It left on a cliffhanger. GODS PLEASE DON'T LET FOX CANCEL THIS ONE!!!!! I mean, this could result in furious retaliation and all kinds of shit. Don't do it Fox, don't even fucking thing about it. I also started watching New Amsterdam and the HBO In Treatment. Thank the gods for DVR because my schedule is too chaotic to follow a schedule.
thank you for the comment on my set!