Its Saturday night...And you would think I have something better to do than write a blog....Yes you guessed it..I don't
....Its 10:30ish and I am tired..Physically mentally and emotionally...I just don't feel like doing a damn thing...I had my ex text me that she misses us...And what am I suppose to say...I text her back asking how she enjoyed her Friday night at the club...I mean hell what am I suppose to say??...I care for her and yes I am taking it kinda hard...But I dont know what I feel...Hell thats with anything right now...I'm kinda numb *breaks into Linkin Parks Song...I get so numb*....I'm in debt...Not much really...Just building up a clientel and just struggling right now...And the moneys not coming in like it was before...I hate when I get like this sometimes...But it does make evaluate where I am in my life...And make a decision on how to best go about getting back on track...I kinda miss the days when my life seemed ummm SIMPLER if thats a word...I realize that I may want someone in my life But I cannot achieve this goal because for some reason I become my own worse enemy in relationships...I'm just a lonely old