sigh. another day to not know or have any idea about what i'm feeling. every sINGLE fucking thing seems like a possibility to me and i don't want to miss anything at all. my dreams and visions and hpoes and everything i've always been enthusiastic about are all so distorted. i wake up wishing i hadn't. i fall asleep wishing there was something else. i feel like i want a new life, but i don't really. i want the people i know. i just need something else. what the hell is it...all these entries end up so long...i have so much to say sigh.....i guess i'm like neon in a way, i SENSE something too... if only i knew what it was. ooo...that yale boy is movin to dc...hehe. i need to be in front of a camera soon yall. yes i said yall.
i need to take a picture of something.
nothing in this town makes my eye happy.