I have been such a bad Treasure! What nerve I have, abandoning all of you!
Anywho, we are settled into the new house. I got the Christmas tree up and the inside of the house decorated. There is a huge blow up Santa in a hammock on our front lawn and **drumroll please** the baby room is alomst done! We are just waiting for Target to deliver the crib.
In other baby news; it's weird looking at the foot of my bed and seeing a bassinet. It's getting so real now that there is only two months to go. I promise pictures of everything soon!
That damn cat of my husbands (yes it is my husbands cat right now) is about ready to be drop kicked out the door. Because she is still getting over ringworm, I don't want her anywhere near the baby stuff so I locked her out of our room. Low and behold my hubby forgets to close the bedroom door and there she is laying IN the bassinet. Last night we locked her out of the hallway to our bedroom and she cried and scratched huge gashes in the door, destroyed my table cloth and ate a roll of wrapping paper. I'm trying to get her used to not sleeping with us too because cats have the nasty habit of suffocating babies. Growl.
I promise a more excitig update later this week! So stay tuned!
Edited to add:

28 weeks. Phew.
Anywho, we are settled into the new house. I got the Christmas tree up and the inside of the house decorated. There is a huge blow up Santa in a hammock on our front lawn and **drumroll please** the baby room is alomst done! We are just waiting for Target to deliver the crib.
In other baby news; it's weird looking at the foot of my bed and seeing a bassinet. It's getting so real now that there is only two months to go. I promise pictures of everything soon!
That damn cat of my husbands (yes it is my husbands cat right now) is about ready to be drop kicked out the door. Because she is still getting over ringworm, I don't want her anywhere near the baby stuff so I locked her out of our room. Low and behold my hubby forgets to close the bedroom door and there she is laying IN the bassinet. Last night we locked her out of the hallway to our bedroom and she cried and scratched huge gashes in the door, destroyed my table cloth and ate a roll of wrapping paper. I'm trying to get her used to not sleeping with us too because cats have the nasty habit of suffocating babies. Growl.
I promise a more excitig update later this week! So stay tuned!

Edited to add:

28 weeks. Phew.
I never liked how my cat would sleep everywhere I didn't want her...my husband wanted to get a new cat this year but that factor kept me from wanting another one. (Our kittie passed away over 2 years ago & my husband has wished for a cat since then)
Babies are great, you will love every minute and wonder what you did before baby was in your life!
I won't even talk about your leaky breasts from your last post.
My biggest dream is to have a child, so I can almost feel your excitement through the words on the screen.