I had been cruising around, my mind awash with all my schemes, I figured I'd run into Rick sooner or later and collect the chorus pedal he still owed me in trade for my ridiculous silver metalflake danelectro bass, he'd already given me a delay pedal. He used to have a BC Rich Warlock bass that he smashed at the Knitting Factory during our set at the Dropdead festival last year. He was pissed at our lousy slot, at the shitty sound, and he refused to settle for any of it. He smashed it down on the stage and the headstock almost broke off. He walked offstage and when he noticed we were still playing he came back and strapped his axe back on. When he tried to play it, the headstock came off and bounced around on the strings like a marionnette.
So he had to play the Glam Bass of Shame, which on him looked awesome.
Rick, you were kind and generous, and exuberant and free. Your 20oz coke bottles always contained the best rum and liqueur cocktails ever tasted.
You never settled for anything shitty and I knew I must have been something worthwhile because you considered me a friend. I'm always going to try to live up to your high standards.
I love you, Rickfits!
I wish I could buy you a Guinness wherever you are now, but I imagine they are free.
I was cofused b/c I was waiting for the little b-day ballon by peoples' names.
How are you???