My arm is scratched all to hell. Snake, the 6-month-old calico, was trying to catch moths that were flying into the house last night. She was climbing up on things and jumping for the ceiling where the moths were going to evade her claws, and she was getting frustrated at her inability to fly. So, I held her up close to the ceiling and as...
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"Keep It In The Family"
be there!
...also, i need info:
1) are you in town, if so for how long, or if not, when are you coming back?
2) e-mail addy and phone # please! click contact on my profile and e-mail me them, this way we can all stay abreast of what is happening with SGSTL
3) what do I have to do to get you to an event? Shalome offered buying us all SG buttons...
...your leader has spoken!