Team Sleep
Ever (Foreign Flag)
you make that dance look so new
and I'm on
a face like you never seen
I'm yours
so come on
light up the stage
so we can all take off anywhere
we'll never
come back
you wear that cast so cool
and I'm on
a face like you never seen
so come on
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Ever (Foreign Flag)
you make that dance look so new
and I'm on
a face like you never seen
I'm yours
so come on
light up the stage
so we can all take off anywhere
we'll never
come back
you wear that cast so cool
and I'm on
a face like you never seen
so come on
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WHY DO ALL THE GREAT CONCERTS ALL COME AT ONCE???!?!?!??? I just bought Keane tickets for the May 8th show and as I was getting offline I see that The Shins are playing at the crystal ballroom two nights in a row!!!! I'm soo there both nights. Also....On May 28th Modest Mouse is playing up at Sasquatch, and I'd love to go see that show....
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thank you for the bjork group. i would like it if we could be friends. i think its great that we can have a group where lovely ms bjrk can be celebrated
i haven't been to a concert in ages. one of my favorite bands is playing shows in the beginning of june but they closest they come to me is LA which is like 400 miles away!

i haven't been to a concert in ages. one of my favorite bands is playing shows in the beginning of june but they closest they come to me is LA which is like 400 miles away!

I just saw Sin City yesterday. It was pretty interesting! The selective color gave the movie a really artistic tint! It's probably the best film from a comic ever made. I'd like to see a Johnny the Homicidal Maniac movie or animated cartoon. But not made for TV, straight from the comic. to school...

totally agree man, i was rootin' for spider-man's stuff too but he fell devastatingly short...frank miller's (creator) got a great style and im ever-so thankful they kept that goin' ...other than that keep plugin' away
we'll get through this skool stuff sooner .. .. no later

Oh man, schools back! I love it, and I hate it! The homework, endless reading, the ritual of waking up early for freshwater bio lab. ack!!!! Although, I'll get out of bed after 2 hours of sleep just to see all the beautiful women on campus. Not that I get any of that action, but, I look at it like a spectator sport. If I'm...
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looking at hot chicks is the best spectator sport EVER. but its really better if you can get in on the action 

i totally feel u man...i gots geology test 'morrow mornin'and i haven't even attempted to study.
who wants to stare at rocks for dos hours in the early part of a day anyway...ahhh well, in the name of charity and a "well-rounded" education i suppose i'll tuff it. As for the ladies, they'll come around...i see it happen all too high school and parts of college they are fascinated with the asswhole beasts deemed "jokstraps." but they grow out "and realize that the givers are relatively nice guys(not whiny pushovers though) and know how to actually talk to someone...everyone ends up happy .. . 'cept the jockies but they're not real . ...ummm , they don't count

Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme!!!!! My new job at Fresh Co. is kind of crazy! I work until 4am and I'm learning all sorts of crazy fruits, vegitables and herbs that I never new exsisted. What the hell is daikon anyway. Good lord! And apples!!! Who the fuck has ever heard of those before!
daikon is an asian radish
i would love to have that job

too much alcohol last night!!! later...must survive....

You didn't drink that much you wuss!!!
I'm finally getting a computer at my house! Yeah! All my life has been is work, school, beer, pizza, sleep, video game, bowl, beer. It's a friggin daze! I need to catch up with myself.
My bjork group hates me. I never post anything very often. All I do is ask questions and people are dicks because I'm the owner. I'm the owner because there...
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My bjork group hates me. I never post anything very often. All I do is ask questions and people are dicks because I'm the owner. I'm the owner because there...
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mean people who like bjork??? they perverse

I'M DONE WITH BLOCKBUSTER! IT'S OVER IT'S OVER IT'S OOOOOOOVER! I had a job interview with an independant fruit/vegitable distributor called Fresh Co., and I got the job! Everything is falling into place. Now all I have to do is try and get my grades up for this term....keep your fingers crossed! EEk! Rock on!
Today I worked on Andy's film project with him. It was pretty fun. Next weekend we're shooting some scenes where people are getting blown away. So, I get to be shot like 5 times and die a horrid death! Ha! I can't wait. Other than that, things have been pretty plain jane. No girls to pursue, no new riffs to work on or people to...
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come again on saturday. OR. friday.
ill be even cuter
ill be even cuter
I don't have a computer where I'm living now, so I haven't been able to log on as much. I can only do it when I'm at a friends or at my Parents. But, at least I've been more active lately; going out, having fun. Although, growing quite a tolerence to alcohol, oops!
I have to quit my job at Blockbuster soon before I go...
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I have to quit my job at Blockbuster soon before I go...
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I work at Blockbuster...i hate it but it is near me...i totally understrand what you mean though but at least my boss is cool enough to let me wear my nose stud and my eyebrow bar at work...i take my labret out though. i hate the mystery shop crap the most though!
in the 3 years i've worked there, i have never been written current sm doesn't believe in it. she hates the paperwork so she only does it when she has to not for the stupid little shit like most other sm's do!
I still feel slightly hung over from new years!!! ACK! Now I'm back at school, working full time, and just trying to find a little time to get stoned on the side. How am I supposed to be creative in this world? Ritual comes so easy....
You're one of the first people I've seen to know about Cannibal the Musical, let alone like it. And you watch adult swim too. Please tell me you like Sealab. Wow I'm impressed!
I got bored one day and made a whole bunch of new profile images. That one is a screen image from the new Tim Burton movie-The Corspe Bride.
I moved out of my friggin Parent's place. Being a student, working full time, and living at home sucked! I'm living in NE Portland with a good friend of mine. Tis the life! Right now I'm off to get really drunk and celebrate life and it's greatness! I'm gonna rock and roll all night............and part of every day! WOOO!
I moved out of my friggin Parent's place. Being a student, working full time, and living at home sucked! I'm living in NE Portland with a good friend of mine. Tis the life! Right now I'm off to get really drunk and celebrate life and it's greatness! I'm gonna rock and roll all night............and part of every day! WOOO!