I had a whole post ready about my Mum and her feets problems...... but the site decided to play a trick on me and somehow leap me back and re-post my meaningless drivel on some poor girls site......
I feel like such a total and complete ass..........
anyway, mom is OK, and her foot is getting better. (she put off treatment until her TENDON was actually exposed.........for gawds sake....)
but it really reminds me of how special Mum is.....
some people are loosing their parents, and it really hit's home... I have a great relationship with my rents.... even if I don't hardly talk to them, I love them dearly.... being an only kid, it's wierd....
anyway, I'm helping mum out with the situation (and it REALLY shows how our health care system is FUCKED!!!) and she's recovering. I've made her some copies of good music and movies so she can keep occupied. I'm talking to her to keep her spirits up.
She's really worried because she has no job now, and she has no income...... it doesn't take too long before this becomes a real problem.... (did I mention how america *small a* sucks???)
anyway....... it's 6am.... and I should be in bed...... or listening to better music anyway.....
I had a whole post ready about my Mum and her feets problems...... but the site decided to play a trick on me and somehow leap me back and re-post my meaningless drivel on some poor girls site......
I feel like such a total and complete ass..........
anyway, mom is OK, and her foot is getting better. (she put off treatment until her TENDON was actually exposed.........for gawds sake....)
but it really reminds me of how special Mum is.....
some people are loosing their parents, and it really hit's home... I have a great relationship with my rents.... even if I don't hardly talk to them, I love them dearly.... being an only kid, it's wierd....
anyway, I'm helping mum out with the situation (and it REALLY shows how our health care system is FUCKED!!!) and she's recovering. I've made her some copies of good music and movies so she can keep occupied. I'm talking to her to keep her spirits up.
She's really worried because she has no job now, and she has no income...... it doesn't take too long before this becomes a real problem.... (did I mention how america *small a* sucks???)
anyway....... it's 6am.... and I should be in bed...... or listening to better music anyway.....