My life is relatively mundane and rather nice at present: and thats the way I like it. I have money, prospects and aspirations. I also have burnt ears. Grr.
The burnt ears make me grouchy. So:
Things that bug the shit out of me:
* saying/writing the word l'il. It is not a word. It is not cute. Stop saying it. Or I will smash your teeth/fingers.
* people that laugh inappropriately. No, little boy, Anakin Skywalker getting his limbs cut off and set on fire IS NOT FUNNY.
* timid, whispery people. speak up, I havent got all fucking day to decipher your tiny, tiny mouse words.
* asking to borrow things. I hate having to ask to borrow, or being asked if someone can borrow from me. Get your own.
* being asked for a light/cigarette, only for me to reply: 'sorry, I dont smoke' and then that person looks at me as if I've either told a filthy lie, or I'm from fucking Mars.
* being spoken to by anyone who isnt a close personal friend of mine, out in the street. Dear humans - I am not your chummy chum. Please dont mistake for your ol' pal. Thanks.
* abbreviations. I play World of Warcraft - it is necessary to abbreviate when playing such a game, it's just....I fucking hate them. Especially LOL.
* people that do the thing that bugs you, when you've just told them it bugs you. Guess what? I anticpated 75% of you people reading this journal's actions already! I know full well my comments will be packed to the rafters with li'ls and LOLs. And I fucking hate you for it.
* people quoting Bill Hicks and thinking that I dont know that they're not very clever/funny indeed - but are attempting to look as if they just might be.
* the fact that all the spectacles in specsavers are fucking hideous, apart from the ones that cost 125. This range of glasses are also ALL EMO. I am desperately pissed off about this one. When I aquire my new glasses, if anyone so much as makes an 'eee' shape with their mouths - I'll rip your lips off. I'm not kidding.
* people that bang on about shit something is, without having the faintest idea what it is they're talking about.
Yes, I know it's not a proper update.
No, I don't care.
The burnt ears make me grouchy. So:
Things that bug the shit out of me:
* saying/writing the word l'il. It is not a word. It is not cute. Stop saying it. Or I will smash your teeth/fingers.
* people that laugh inappropriately. No, little boy, Anakin Skywalker getting his limbs cut off and set on fire IS NOT FUNNY.
* timid, whispery people. speak up, I havent got all fucking day to decipher your tiny, tiny mouse words.
* asking to borrow things. I hate having to ask to borrow, or being asked if someone can borrow from me. Get your own.
* being asked for a light/cigarette, only for me to reply: 'sorry, I dont smoke' and then that person looks at me as if I've either told a filthy lie, or I'm from fucking Mars.
* being spoken to by anyone who isnt a close personal friend of mine, out in the street. Dear humans - I am not your chummy chum. Please dont mistake for your ol' pal. Thanks.
* abbreviations. I play World of Warcraft - it is necessary to abbreviate when playing such a game, it's just....I fucking hate them. Especially LOL.
* people that do the thing that bugs you, when you've just told them it bugs you. Guess what? I anticpated 75% of you people reading this journal's actions already! I know full well my comments will be packed to the rafters with li'ls and LOLs. And I fucking hate you for it.
* people quoting Bill Hicks and thinking that I dont know that they're not very clever/funny indeed - but are attempting to look as if they just might be.
* the fact that all the spectacles in specsavers are fucking hideous, apart from the ones that cost 125. This range of glasses are also ALL EMO. I am desperately pissed off about this one. When I aquire my new glasses, if anyone so much as makes an 'eee' shape with their mouths - I'll rip your lips off. I'm not kidding.
* people that bang on about shit something is, without having the faintest idea what it is they're talking about.
Yes, I know it's not a proper update.
No, I don't care.
(Can you guess I've had a bad week/month?)
And look at you, showing off your layers, like a little fancy onion!