Curteousy of the lovely (and not nearly as hideous as his profile picture would have you believe) Maxx, I have whiling away the hours with this:
I love Katamari!
For the uninitiated - it involves rolling a little ball around the earth, rolling over things that stick to it to make it bigger. Huge, in fact. The aim appears to be to collect enough shit (including humans and animals) TO MAKE IT SO COLLOSAL you can eventually roll up THE FUCKING SUN.
Needless to say it appeals to me on many levels - but mainly in the sense that I get to CRUSH. EVERYTHING. IN. MY PAAAAAAAATH.
In other news: I'm starting to feel like my old self again.

I love Katamari!
For the uninitiated - it involves rolling a little ball around the earth, rolling over things that stick to it to make it bigger. Huge, in fact. The aim appears to be to collect enough shit (including humans and animals) TO MAKE IT SO COLLOSAL you can eventually roll up THE FUCKING SUN.
Needless to say it appeals to me on many levels - but mainly in the sense that I get to CRUSH. EVERYTHING. IN. MY PAAAAAAAATH.
In other news: I'm starting to feel like my old self again.
hahaha that game is the most random bizarre thing Ive ever seen!!!

I love this game. Keep having Katamari dreams though... very fun, but slightly disturbing...