here is some shitty pics of this guys leg from last night. This poor drunk was standing against a light pole when another drunk ran his silly ass over and pinned him to the pole. Then the silly drunk who was driving went to flee the scene and as he drove off this guys leg was stuck to the car and pretty much twisted it untill it was compleatly severed. If you look close the dark black looking stuff you see in two spots opposite of each other is his pants that is intertwined with his leg that we couldnt cutt off.
heres another
I know the picture quality is shitty I had to take them with my phone becouse I dont have a digital camera. If you want better pics feel free to sponsor me in the broke-a-thon. Or if you wanna buy me a camera you can do that to!

heres another

I know the picture quality is shitty I had to take them with my phone becouse I dont have a digital camera. If you want better pics feel free to sponsor me in the broke-a-thon. Or if you wanna buy me a camera you can do that to!
lots of smart kids and helpful info.
I'm a firefighter for the state of CA...nice to see other 'public servants' on here.
ETS-awesome pictures!!
[Edited on Jul 11, 2005 7:27AM]