So I bought a new truck! Im so friggin happy! finaly got the truck Ive always wanted! Ford F150 FX4 4x4 double cab! gotta go drive it!

I need a digital camera, anyone want to buy me one! hehe
nothing interesting to update.

PLEASE PEOPLE STOP CALLING 911 IF YOU JUST HAVE THE FLU! you wont get seen any quicker in the ER if you come by ambulance. Heart attacks and Strokes and things of that nature will always come first and you will still go to the waiting room.

TAKE 2 Tylenol and let a paramedic sleep!

MY PSA is now over thank...
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Life is good life is great! never been better! happy happy happy!

Anyone know of any good spots to hit in Tahoe come mid march??????? The weekend of the 18th to be exact?

Yay! I'm glad your happy happy! biggrin Can't help with Tahoe, never been there but it sure looks pretty. Be sure to take lot's of pictures while you are there, and try not to give anyone cpr on your vacation. wink kiss
Will do! no CPR!
Ok Im back! My PC took a crap on me so I went and bought a Mac! Life is great never been happier!! Dont have much other news but stoked about my new laptop!!!!!!!

dave ARRR!!!
Ok so now that its the new year my resolutions are:

Wel I was gonna list them but there all the same "get back into the gym" lame type of stuff I say Im gonna do every year and dont. So instead of just saying them Im gonna just keep it to myself and actually do them.

New yeas was good I had to work...
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I love my mini ipod. It is the best. It's super light so having it at the gym is easy. Since you also like the movie very bad things we must both have the same sense of sick humor. I like that! wink kiss
Yeah, I was gonna quit smoking, cut back on the booze, and start running again but who has time for all that? ARRR!!!
Christmas sucked I got nothing, Had to work, My fisrt call of the night was a full arrest, I had Jack in the Box for chrismas dinner.

The only thing that makes it all ok is the insane amount of money I earned while working.
Hope you had a good new year! kiss
So I made some chicken enchalada rice tonight and that shit was GOOD!! Got my first piece of steel in the mail yesterday to make my first knife Im stoked about that!

Back to work tomorrow night hope it stops raining becouse I hate working in the rain! Theres nothing like being on the side of the freeway in the dark with cars flying past...
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Oh man!!! You're a paramedic? Rad!!!
Yeah, DUIs suck! tongue
Oh ya and I also do custom artwork and graphic design anyone who needs something done let me know. Ill hook it up for cheap.
I quit my band, but I'm joining a new one. I sent them some of your art and they're interested. Especially the free part... ARRR!!!
let me know
so I have decided to venture into making custom knives. I sat down and layed out my first design tonight and made a cardboard prototype. I is gonna be a kick ass knife! Im going to go buy the steel tomorrow to start the stock removal. Il put up pics when its done!
Ok its been a day or so since Ive done this. Since then Ive decided to buy a patch and a wooden leg and set off on the high seas to live my life as a pirate.