Some seriousness for a bit....
The current United States Congress is by far, the worst in a bad lot. Basically saying, this country defaults on its debts, this is what's gonna happen:
1.Interest rates skyrocket. So if you have a home mortgage, use a credit card, or have some account that is interest-based, WE ARE ALL GONNA SUFFER
2. The economy tanks again, throwing us back into recession, and worse, a depression.
3. Other nations will not invest in the U.S. Anymore. Further ruining the economy.
I'm surprised we're not seeing protests and violence on the scale of what happened in Greece. The Greeks were pissed at their leaders for running their country into the ground. Why aren't we as pissed as them at our government? My opinion:
Americans as a whole are pissed at our idiot congress and the whole government in general. But as far as each individual American, it's every Man, Woman, and Child for themselves. This is why the world's nations hate us, we are an individualistic society. I'm sorry to speak to truth.
Unless the Speaker of the House can put his idiot Party of No in line and back him up, and get the Tea Party bastards to stop holding this nation hostage, The U.S. will default and we'll have more reason for the world to hate us.
Mr. President, since congress is incapable of compromise, please invoke the 14th amendment and save what's left of our fragile economy and get jobs back to our shores again. Tell the right-wing nuts to stop backing their corporate masters and outsourcing valuable jobs overseas.
The current United States Congress is by far, the worst in a bad lot. Basically saying, this country defaults on its debts, this is what's gonna happen:
1.Interest rates skyrocket. So if you have a home mortgage, use a credit card, or have some account that is interest-based, WE ARE ALL GONNA SUFFER
2. The economy tanks again, throwing us back into recession, and worse, a depression.
3. Other nations will not invest in the U.S. Anymore. Further ruining the economy.
I'm surprised we're not seeing protests and violence on the scale of what happened in Greece. The Greeks were pissed at their leaders for running their country into the ground. Why aren't we as pissed as them at our government? My opinion:
Americans as a whole are pissed at our idiot congress and the whole government in general. But as far as each individual American, it's every Man, Woman, and Child for themselves. This is why the world's nations hate us, we are an individualistic society. I'm sorry to speak to truth.
Unless the Speaker of the House can put his idiot Party of No in line and back him up, and get the Tea Party bastards to stop holding this nation hostage, The U.S. will default and we'll have more reason for the world to hate us.
Mr. President, since congress is incapable of compromise, please invoke the 14th amendment and save what's left of our fragile economy and get jobs back to our shores again. Tell the right-wing nuts to stop backing their corporate masters and outsourcing valuable jobs overseas.
Part of the problem is that they've learned to rule by fear and counting on people's short term memories. They've made people forget that 8 years of Bush Jr. put us on this road to financial ruin. Now they're playing "Blame the black guy".
siii!!! gracias amiguito. como estas tanto tiempo?