Along the way I close my eyes
I lost where I was going
The more I will spin, The more that I try
Stop my mind flowing away....
The last piece was too depressing to leave up.
I'll tell you all about recent nightmares/dreams I've been having soon. They range from dirty to straight down video game graphic, and I don't mean gratiuitous sex, more like urban warfare and something about challenges like World of Warcraft, and I don't play that game either.
I lost where I was going
The more I will spin, The more that I try
Stop my mind flowing away....
The last piece was too depressing to leave up.

I'll tell you all about recent nightmares/dreams I've been having soon. They range from dirty to straight down video game graphic, and I don't mean gratiuitous sex, more like urban warfare and something about challenges like World of Warcraft, and I don't play that game either.
aw hun im sorry your sad
Im sure it will be better...

Don't be sad