I totally forgot it was Cinco de Mayo yesterday. For those in question mark land, it's the day commemorating the Mexican victory over the French at the Battle of Puebla some centuries ago. Only here, it's an excuse for everyone to call in sick from work and drink themselves silly.
Somebody in my city became $266 million richer. Turns out it was a lady who works for the local NBC Affiliate's newsroom. Her husband was just laid off some weeks ago. Guess for this couple it's a welcome blessing.
My b-day is July 6. Day off from work, I may just head off to Long Beach for the day, but I would like someone to come with me.
The only thing I want this year is to spend my birthday with a friend. I don't care for material gifts, although they're welcome
I hate spending my birthdays alone.
Ain't life grand?
Somebody in my city became $266 million richer. Turns out it was a lady who works for the local NBC Affiliate's newsroom. Her husband was just laid off some weeks ago. Guess for this couple it's a welcome blessing.
My b-day is July 6. Day off from work, I may just head off to Long Beach for the day, but I would like someone to come with me.

Ain't life grand?
I somehow ended up in an Irish Pub in Long Beach for Cinco De Mayo, lol. Still good times though. Maybe next St Paddy's Day I'll hit up a Cantina, hahaha. And yeah, it's totally just an excuse to drink. I bet most American's don't even know why May 5th is a holiday.
Shit we can charter a plane my friend.