Tony Tony Chopper/Cotton Candy Chopper
So this is how I'm going to do it : Starting next Friday. I post a top 5 favorite sets in different categories 1 Category a week. I'm not gonna say which ones yet because I like playing on people's suspense. Muahahahaha

Esto es como lo voy hacer : Empezando el prox Viernes. Postare un top 5 de mis sets favoritos en categorias diferentes. 1 Categoria la semana. No dire cuales categorias porq me gusta jalar las cadenas del suspenso a todo mundo, muahahahahaha

CA members and SGs: 911 should be free right? Some cities are charging people for using 911 and/or when Cops or Firefighters show up to give service, then you get a fucking bill. Our taxes pay for Emergency Services, now we gotta pay extra because the cities and counties keep spending money they don't have???? RIDICULOUS!!!!

Plus : I don't care who gets elected governor of California, The Labor Unions have this state in a stranglehold and you can't pry this state out of the hole its in. Bascially saying, California CANNOT be fixed. And I may have said this before, if California was an independent nation, we'd automatically be a Third World Country, in North America!

i wish i knew!!!!!!!!!!!