Jim Rome on Parents fighting at Chuck E. Cheese - People can be really stupid sometimes. Also, who serves beer at a kid's Pizza Place?
I'm thinking people in General are becoming more and more dumb. Stupid 911 calls, picking fights at kiddie restaurants, crashing cars into buildings because people can't drive anymore. And the states and country run by idiotic people in the government, it's more noted in California. Every damn year the state budget is late and now, because of cuts, the unions are protesting taxpayers for not agreeing to raise taxes??? ARE YOU UNION PEOPLE THIS GREEDY AND RETARDED????
You can't expect a state that is teetering on bankruptcy to keep paying ridiculous salries to state workers and teachers. Highest paid teachers in the United States. If not, the world. They actually bitch about laying off teachers, saying the kids will suffer. In Los Angeles, the dropout rate for high schoolers is at almost 50%, to put in words these dickheads understand, THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT EDUCATION OR THE KIDS, THEY ONLY WANT MORE AND MORE MONEY TAXPAYERS DO NOT HAVE. Same for state workers.
and the city I live in has a sales tax of 10.75% for purchases. Highest in the U.S.
To put it lightly, living in California is requiring almost six figures, and 3 out 4 people don't make that kind of money.