Have You Ever Felt? - Ill Nio
In Catalan:
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A vegades em sento
Com el mn est mirant per sobre de la meva espatlla
que no conec per qu
Per sento la meva pacincia aconseguint ms curt
No vull saber
No vull sentir
No vull ser
No vull que soni boig
No vull que soni boig
Per no puc prendre la pressi
Has sentit alguna vegada el mateix?
Igual que vost noms ha de fugir
La tensi es basa
Per em sento els murs sn cada vegada ms gruixuda
I llavors jo crec que encara em sento millor
No vull saber
No vull sentir
No vull ser
No vull que soni boig
No vull que soni boig
Per no puc prendre la pressi
Has sentit alguna vegada el mateix?
Igual que vost noms ha de fugir
No vull que soni boig
Per no puc prendre la pressi
Has sentit alguna vegada el mateix?
Igual que vost noms ha de fugir
In English:
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"Have You Ever Felt?"
Sometimes I feel like the world is looking over my shoulder
I don't know why but I feel my patience getting shorter
I don't want to know
I don't want to feel
I don't want to be
I don't want to sound crazy
I don't want to sound insane
But I can't take the pressure
Have you ever felt the same?
Like you just need to run away
I don't want to sound insane
But I can't take the pressure
Have you ever felt the same?
Like you just need to run away
The tension builds but I feel the walls are getting thicker
And then I still make believe that I am feeling better
I don't want to know
I don't want to feel
I don't want to be
I don't want to sound crazy
I don't want to sound insane
But I can't take the pressure
Have you ever felt the same?
Like you just need to run away
I don't want to sound insane
But I can't take the pressure
Have you ever felt the same?
Like you just need to run away
I don't want to sound insane
But I can't take the pressure
Have you ever felt the same?
Like you just need to run away
I don't want to sound insane
But I can't take the pressure
Have you ever felt the same?
Like you just need to run away
Mom and Dad want to go to Alaska and drag me along.
They could use a vacation just the two of them. Why do I have to go?