I had a dream similar to the clip above from the movie "Savior" with Dennis Quaid. Only I wasn't in the balkan region of Europe, or fighting the war back in those days. I was just a lone soldier with no alliances to anyone fighting to survive. Offing soldiers, criminals, and terrorists from a highrise window with a sniper rifle. I wanted no part of the war but yet I had to keep myself from being captured by either side. Then I saw a couple ladies walking gingerly around until mortar fire around was going boom everywhere. I run down the stairs and tell the girls to get in the house, since a war zone was no place for tourists. Checking passports, 1 came from Uruguay, and the other from Argentina. I had a facemask on so no one would recognize who was shooting wildly at them. I recognized the girls. They were from SG. All they asked me in spanish "Who are you?". I took off my facemask, and they were overjoyed to see me. So I was in a two story house in the attic, with the barrel of a rifle tied to a post on the windowsill. Any soldier, gang member, terrorist, or some idiot causing trouble, I would just shoot in the head with one shot. And now I became the bodyguard of two frightened tourists who walked in the bad part of town. It was me, Merlina, and Prussia. The three of us were scared to death, we were trapped in a house surrounded by hostiles.
Tena un sueo similar al clip arriba de la pelcula "salvador" con Dennis Quaid. Solamente no estaba en la regin balcnica de Europa, o de luchar la guerra detrs en esos das. Era justo un soldado solitario sin alianzas a cualquier persona que luchaba para sobrevivir. Soldados, criminales, y terroristas que you luchaba en contra de una ventana del la casa con un rifle del tirador emboscado. No deseo ninguna parte de la guerra sino que con todo tuve que guardarme de ser capturado por cualquier lado. Entonces vi a dos seoritas de un par el caminar cautelosamente alrededor hasta que el fuego del mortero alrededor lanzando que iba por todas partes. Voy corriendo abajo de las escaleras y digo a las muchachas que se meten en la casa, puesto que una zona de la guerra no era ningn lugar para los turistas. Comprobando pasaportes, 1 vino de Uruguay, y del otro de la Argentina. Tena un mascara en as que nadie reconocera quin tiraba violentamente hacia ellos Reconoc a muchachas. Eran de SG. Todos me preguntaron en espaol "quin es usted?". Saqu mi mascara, y eran orgullosas para verme. Estaba tan en una casa de dos historias en el tico, con el barril de un rifle atado a un poste en la ventana. Cualquier soldado, miembro de la cuadrilla, terrorista, o algn idiota que causa apuro, acabo de tirar en la cabeza con un tiro. Y ahora hice el guardia de escolta de dos turistas asustados que caminaron en la mala parte de la ciudad. Era tres de nosotros, Yo, Merlina, y Prussia, fuimos asustados a la muerte, nosotros estabamos atrapados en una casa rodeada por los delincuentes.
My mind can be cruel at times.
EDIT - I just left my 10,000th comment. Do I get something or do I just keep moving along?
+de todas maneras no creo que me puedas reconocer la voz