So I haven't been around in days, not much new, just dwelling on thoughts.
1.Dad and my pal ask me when I'm getting a car, I'm happy floating around L.A. and the O.C. on trains, buses, and rarely cabs. Gas is too fucken expensive, plus it was windy as shit on thursday as I left the courthouse to catch my train home.
2.I really don't know if I should take a trip to Spain this year, the cash is there (almost), but besides the long plane ride, I realized that there are people I know that hate it when I take days off. The make the people and their mothers happy factor is there still, then I want to get a Laptop or an XBOX 360 w/Gears of War, or just save everything until February and maybe move out to Las Vegas and find a place and be on my own.
3.Monotony bores me. One of my amigos gave me a big bottle of Jagermeister
1.Happy to be walking the earth
2.Happy to see the sun rise
3.Happy for having met such awesome people the past months (bunch of SGs at cons)
1.Keri - For being so sweet and awesome
2.Annisa - same as above, but also ultra kind and understanding
3.asdeputas - Viejo Loco!!! Vamos a brindar unos de estos dias compadre!!!
4.JoLeigh - being so kind, so sweet, all that mushy shit I'm not good at mentioning, and for being a friend when I was down.
5.[INSERT NAME HERE] If I forgot you, there's too many to show gratitude to and I can't mention em all...
A video for you all, if you speak spanish then you'll understand this (amigos Chilenos should know who these guys are)
Los Prisioneros - Tren al Sur
(The Prisoners - Southbound Train)
1.Dad and my pal ask me when I'm getting a car, I'm happy floating around L.A. and the O.C. on trains, buses, and rarely cabs. Gas is too fucken expensive, plus it was windy as shit on thursday as I left the courthouse to catch my train home.
2.I really don't know if I should take a trip to Spain this year, the cash is there (almost), but besides the long plane ride, I realized that there are people I know that hate it when I take days off. The make the people and their mothers happy factor is there still, then I want to get a Laptop or an XBOX 360 w/Gears of War, or just save everything until February and maybe move out to Las Vegas and find a place and be on my own.
3.Monotony bores me. One of my amigos gave me a big bottle of Jagermeister
1.Happy to be walking the earth
2.Happy to see the sun rise
3.Happy for having met such awesome people the past months (bunch of SGs at cons)
1.Keri - For being so sweet and awesome
2.Annisa - same as above, but also ultra kind and understanding
3.asdeputas - Viejo Loco!!! Vamos a brindar unos de estos dias compadre!!!
4.JoLeigh - being so kind, so sweet, all that mushy shit I'm not good at mentioning, and for being a friend when I was down.
5.[INSERT NAME HERE] If I forgot you, there's too many to show gratitude to and I can't mention em all...
A video for you all, if you speak spanish then you'll understand this (amigos Chilenos should know who these guys are)
Los Prisioneros - Tren al Sur
(The Prisoners - Southbound Train)
things that aren't monotonous scare me, lol. and jagermeister scares me too, hahaha. actually i just think it's gross. 

So how come you don't want a car?