Going to the ATL in the morning. Should probably be sleeping now. But I'm not. I just got off of the phone with meredyth. Things still seem okay. I'm hopeful. Albeit problems do arise quickly, but I can deal with that. I'm still on an energy kick from earlier. Overall, today hasn't been so bad. A lot better than I had expected. I think tomorrow...
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Man i must've needed some greens bad. After I had about ten bowls of salad, I felt so much better about life. I'm in such a good mood right now. I know that everything will be all right. And I'm calm, but I feel like dancing. Although apparently meredyth isn't having the best day at work. That makes me a bit sad. Yet I'm still...
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I'm going to run away soon. I've just gotta get meredyth to come with me. I can't stay here anymore. This place is just so fucking backwards. Life is backwards. I just wanna keep going until I see somewhere that life looks right. I know it's there. It has to be. It can't all be like this. And in the end if it is... then...
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I had a really great day with meredyth. We went shopping at Garden Cove (this like health grocery store place), and then by a couple asian markets. I really loved spending the day with her. I really wish I could see her more. But eh work sucks eh? I also wish I knew how her night went. She was telling her friend that we were...
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I took my eyebrow ring out. Decided I'm going to leave metal out and off of my body to the fullest extend that I can. So that was monday i took it out. I probably couldn't get it back in now that easily. It seems to be closing up pretty quickly.

I can't wait to see meredyth tomorrow. I need to go for a jog...
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if you're 23 and ashamed of buying condoms... you need to re-evauluate your life. Not making judgments... just saying...

That's my quote of the day. Lori made me (for money) an awesome raw vegan pizza today. It's awesome. I'm taking one tomorrow to share with Meredyth. I think she will like it. I'll be glad to see her tomorrow. (*misses her*)

I think i will...
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should be dreading my hair soon. 4am... still up. Stoned. Probably be the last time I suppose. Good stuff. Still listening to Bob Marley. Still haven't finished hitchhikers guide. I gotta stop smoking up before bed. That makes it a bit difficult to read heh. So anyways, nighty night time. Sleep well everyone.
Been listening to the Dresden Dolls a lot lately. Such an amazing band. It's weird hearing something different that just doesn't fit some mold.

I look like such a smartass in the picture... perhaps why I named the file me-smartass. I promise I'm only like 93% that smug though.

My cat has been playing near housing insulation and now she has dreadlocks. Gotta give the...
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