Yo ... Halloween was killer uh I mean a blast ....
House party with friends...Beers...I have a few girlfriends who get easily plastered. I do not know what it is but I think they are very cute maybe even more than usual when they become inebriated, unbalanced, and saucy...Funny and cute...Maybe tempting? Hmmm....Is that bad?
So my friend was dressed as the Indian Jesus the other night...He was an absolute riot...Walked into a largely hispanic bar and the music nearly cut out and people stared at us...Aha...He is the funnest guy..
Costume night on the town is great...but why does every other lady on the town wanna dress as either a slutty cocktail waitress or prostitute? Not that imaginative it seems to me.
Horror movies late night rock!
House party with friends...Beers...I have a few girlfriends who get easily plastered. I do not know what it is but I think they are very cute maybe even more than usual when they become inebriated, unbalanced, and saucy...Funny and cute...Maybe tempting? Hmmm....Is that bad?
So my friend was dressed as the Indian Jesus the other night...He was an absolute riot...Walked into a largely hispanic bar and the music nearly cut out and people stared at us...Aha...He is the funnest guy..
Costume night on the town is great...but why does every other lady on the town wanna dress as either a slutty cocktail waitress or prostitute? Not that imaginative it seems to me.
Horror movies late night rock!
Not much originality there.
In my opnion... halloween is for people to express themselves in ways general society in "normal" days would frown upon. Youy can be whatever you want to be... what ever gets you hot, creeps you out or something you would never be in public because you would stand out. So... concluded.... in my location.. most of the chicks want to be or ARE slutty whores.. and the guys... are really truely gay and or transvestites.
Ok, ok... im being mean... but I cant help it somtimes.
So you were all bloody eh... where are the pictures of your night??? huh?
Where you live... having an indian jesus walk in a hispanic bar shouldnt have been out of the norm... I saw some pretty crazy shit when I lived there.
Looking over the past relationships I have had and how family is and how friends are and or turn into as they grow or dont grow... I just exploded, lol. It wasent intended to be negative in any way. I just had to express what was starting to bubble up to the surface. I didnt want to lose it or forget it, and instead of keeping it private, i wanted to share it.
Personally I have done alot of changing over the past few years and even more dramatically this year. I cant help but wonder if I have a certain faith.. or hope or view point on certain things that are not widely shared. My views are challenged heavily by one particular person that I cant seem to paralell with. And that is what gets me moving lately, then add in the other factors such as family and friends and life
Generally speaking however I believe I am within the love/pain balance. I spoke of waiting... and waiting in this place of balance I will but I dont know how long I will be able to stay here until I get flipped out to one side agian. which is not a bad thing really.. as I feel I can grow the best here, neutral. aware. More open. ect. blah blah, lol.
i dont know.... now Im rambling... haha.. I have had a long ass weekend. Im exghusted.
Its painful love which has no resolve.
Good night Transcendence. Sleep well.