I'm curious who reactivated my SG account.. who are you? Reveal yourself! or.. was it SG itself just to get me hooked again... hmmm..
DOOD whassup?!
C'mon you got your new laptop, where the fuck are you? Update... damnit!
How have you been homeboy???
Hrm thinking of dumping this job and working aslmost full time for accenture doing consulting. I'd get to go to their home office in london any time I had training too. NICE>
Sadisco... Fightclub-2. on the 21st. I'm fuckin going, The first rule of Fightclub-2 ... you're going even if I have to bloody my knuckles knocking you unconsious and dragging you there.
Fuck yeah it's time for slackin off!! Yeah right, says the one who's worked over 50 hours in 6 days this last week. But hey, I can chillax tomorrow! Haha Have a Merry Christmas! I hope it's all sorts of relaxing
naaw... its semester end. This is a time to distance yourself from final fantasy, and computers... and go drink till you can't remember your name. Or use it as an excuse for not remembering other people's names.
"god I swear, I was gonna call but I couldn't remember your name or the last 7 digits of your phone number. 480 though, right?" hahaha... something like that. (P.S. i'm *KIDDING*)
"god I swear, I was gonna call but I couldn't remember your name or the last 7 digits of your phone number. 480 though, right?" hahaha... something like that. (P.S. i'm *KIDDING*)
sherpin? Dude you gonna go fuckin climb mount everest and be a god damned sherpa? haha yeah i'm down with the drinkin... im kinda rough today... and tomorow not so good. but uhhh after C-mas.
I just found out today more of my family is coming in town... so i'm going to need to go off and be drinking and... not around them. Cuz if i'm around them i'll be hauled up in my room with my music blaring clutching a baseball bat trying not to do bad things. I... errr... don't get along with some of my family.
I just found out today more of my family is coming in town... so i'm going to need to go off and be drinking and... not around them. Cuz if i'm around them i'll be hauled up in my room with my music blaring clutching a baseball bat trying not to do bad things. I... errr... don't get along with some of my family.
win is more than partially psychotic. more shit went down lately. weirdness. if she asks, i'm out of town now. lol.
my last entry, as with all of them, was meant to be ambiguous...at best
if you were a cat, you'd live in my purple sofa, eating over priced cat food and be chillin on a balacany.
if you were a cat, you'd live in my purple sofa, eating over priced cat food and be chillin on a balacany.
according to neitzsche they're both necessary in SOCIETY although, i must say, being good is much more fun. to look down thy nose at others and know you're above all that nonsense is by far the more gradifying of the two
I am not crazy...i just have a real fucked up imagination.
love to, any hints?
WTF did the dumb slut do this time, dude?? I think Jason and I are gonna go have a "word" with her godfather style. Yeah... i had like all sorts of shit i had to get done today. I ofcourse instead got pissed off@ circumstances and people and said fuck this. I've been sitting at home just blasting industrial music in the dark and trying to make out patterns in the ceiling.
Ever have one of those days where you feel like you could walk up to a complete stranger and punch them in the face for no aparent reason? Isolating myself from humanity seems like a good option today. But i do want to punch someone in the face, so maybe we can go visit your ex later..
Ever have one of those days where you feel like you could walk up to a complete stranger and punch them in the face for no aparent reason? Isolating myself from humanity seems like a good option today. But i do want to punch someone in the face, so maybe we can go visit your ex later..
So I gotta ask: what exactly did THE ex do?
As every self-help therapist says: You can't change the way people act, just the way you respond to their actions.
PERSONALLY, I've learned it's better to kill people with apathy than hate. Like if they call, just say "I can't talk right now." or just be straightforward and say "I don't want to get upset, so I'm just not going to talk to you at this moment. Please don't contact me until I contact you"
and if all else fails, you, Jason and "CorporateSPY" can put a pic ax through her back windshield LoL
As every self-help therapist says: You can't change the way people act, just the way you respond to their actions.
PERSONALLY, I've learned it's better to kill people with apathy than hate. Like if they call, just say "I can't talk right now." or just be straightforward and say "I don't want to get upset, so I'm just not going to talk to you at this moment. Please don't contact me until I contact you"
and if all else fails, you, Jason and "CorporateSPY" can put a pic ax through her back windshield LoL
Cant sleep...clown'll eat me.
Cant sleep...clown'll eat me.
Cant sleep...clown'll eat me.
Cant sleep...clown'll eat me.
Cant sleep...clown'll eat me.
Cant sleep...clown'll eat me.
Cant sleep...clown'll eat me.
Cant sleep...clown'll eat me.
Cant sleep...clown'll eat me.
Cant sleep...clown'll eat me.
Cant sleep...clown'll eat me.
Cant sleep...clown'll eat me.
Cant sleep...clown'll eat me.
Cant sleep...clown'll eat me.
Cant sleep...clown'll eat me.
Cant sleep...clown'll eat me.
Cant sleep...clown'll eat me.
Happy fuckin birthday man!!
Ask John Edwards...bwaaahahahaaa.
ROFL...you're such a dork. Saturday, Stephanies place, be there or be ridiculed by me til your dying day. Beyatch.