I give myself the gift of an 8:30am psychiatric appointment with an Italian psychiatrist in a senese hospital, on the day of my birth.

Lets pray with gritted teeth, knotted hair & a rabbits libido..... that all goes..... that i may be cleansed of this depression that has me bone dry, (marrow gone)..... i've let it slide for too bloody long.......................

aw you're a darling.
Don't send me it, I'll wait til you can read it to me. See I always prefered Henry Miller, so maybe you can get me into Anais Nin.
What about that book makes you think of me I wonder?...

Happy birthday pet!
happy birthday!
si va cosi, piano... piano....

forse domani arrivara le miele.............
thank you pet, I love getting narrated to. Maybe you wanna send me a tape wink
You're romantic and sweet and charming and whatever else you wish.
wow! love
oh dear......

paradise has dug a hole inside all of me, that is I am quite perfectly carved out, just a trace of skin is all around, much like some damned halo.....but i've not had many thoughts in my head.....

you could say i have been collecting coins in my fountain and the water is turning copperish green, sorry..........

it is an incomprehensible yet meticulous...
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howling gold.......
I got flashed in the wee hours of friday morning, ...my first evah!

then I came home and got fucked between head spirals, confused sheets and knotted tongues...

now..... i'm finishing my packing, umph.....and I'm happy, so happy............................. love

salt & honey
My posts sit here beneath your messages like forlorn rectangles, whispering round words of curiousity.

I'm just stopping by here to toss a coin into your fountain...
strangled thunder and diamond crackles and shatters in the frame of so many windowpanes....we make sure that we align our sounds with those of the platinum dive of lightning, so it can be our secret, and the rain spills into our bedroom floor, soacking the corner of the bed sheet....then afterwards i hold him there - a grown-girl's new teddy bear.

previous days...rains and greys...
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I am sure that the waters had a difficult time extracting themselves from you as well, and like Amphitrite, you replenished yourself in the sea, perhaps pinching between two of your fingers a clutch of nourishing salt?

[Edited on Aug 31, 2005 6:45PM]
another friday has taken itself into me...time swooshes...really just quite unbelievable...but i've been relishing this absence in ways....packing, it's sort-a-amazing how little material things mean when you realize the amount of space they really take up and how much they take away from you and all one can do once it's gone , so it's been nice to mark the calendar- august with future moving...
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I reside in the northwestern corner of the continental United States, near the intersection of two great rivers. On the close horizon are many tall, white mountains. Sometimes their breath is made of fire. One of them is known in the old tongue as Wy'East. At night, wind whispers through the needles of the many great firs. Mist coats the skin and moss creeps over the rooftops. There are secrets in the forests.

promises to catch up .....eventually.... I seem to have eaten my fingertips and filled my mouth with silent text.....

apologies...i'll write soon............ blush
Fingernails are hard to digest, believe me.
my obese heart, has me leaning to the left.... & below, littering my wobbly base are watermarks of all sort-of wasted moments, just staring up at me with raw grins & mocking teeth.

i'm ready to consume an entire open field of earth, to just peel out of everything and run mad and then crumple to the ground in gorgeous exhaustion.

I will be having...
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have you hung your hat yet?

*whistling in the dark*
charles river - boston fireworks night
....infinite sadness when the lights get off in the sky....i can't help but attach the sound of shells going off, the same sounds probably worse in other places....and it's beauty, mouth shaped in awe and this fury of wanting to rip into people. crowds that molest my patience...i favor solitude. UGH! I suppose that's luck being able to witness...
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Always wanted to see Sex & Lucia but still haven't got round to it... well, you've certainly sparked even more interest now smile

Are you really from Ecuador? If yes, that must be a tough place to live in, I guess. But it must also have amazing landscapes & beaches love
i just disembowled my first home with my nene and moved out...it was a process, now unto another... then a trans-atlantic vault in 2 months to land somewhat sea-wet and coiled in tuscan hills to make home of delighful Siena.
I am biting down into the mintues that aren't accelerating fast enough into the future, yet my only concern with that is that I am...
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your quite a writer...very nice...

are you sure those ears were all sleeping?

sometimes late at night I will sniff at the skin of my forearm or my hand and I will smell in it the sharp bite of sea salt, salt scoured into me by relentless Pacific winds picked up from the chilled ocean dark...