Heh, no one even took a stab at trying to figure out what the Hell I was talking about on the last entry. Well, to tell you the truth, I intentionally made it vague.
Today was the day. The event for which I was waiting. No, not the 100-meter freestyle. Today I took the God damn, no good, sonofabitch test. In a nutshell, I think I did better than last time, but that my friends will be determined by the state board of accountancy. Finishing with one minute, thirty seconds left on the clock, I did all I could (or so I keep telling myself).
After using most of my brain power on the exam, I stopped off at my friend's place in Columbus. We ate dinner at the Blue Danube and caught up. Many things happen in a year, I must say. Also, the 'Nube has some killer fried cheese nuggets. I only stayed there for about two hours before coming back home. Oh well, at least I got to talk to him before he left for Charlotte.
Now I must think of what to do. Something mindless and violent, no doubt. I'll have to get my people on it. Maybe they'll call your people, we'll do lunch!
Today was the day. The event for which I was waiting. No, not the 100-meter freestyle. Today I took the God damn, no good, sonofabitch test. In a nutshell, I think I did better than last time, but that my friends will be determined by the state board of accountancy. Finishing with one minute, thirty seconds left on the clock, I did all I could (or so I keep telling myself).
After using most of my brain power on the exam, I stopped off at my friend's place in Columbus. We ate dinner at the Blue Danube and caught up. Many things happen in a year, I must say. Also, the 'Nube has some killer fried cheese nuggets. I only stayed there for about two hours before coming back home. Oh well, at least I got to talk to him before he left for Charlotte.
Now I must think of what to do. Something mindless and violent, no doubt. I'll have to get my people on it. Maybe they'll call your people, we'll do lunch!

I do stress-eating.