Okie dokie, weird dream time
I was looking outside the house on Crystal and Eben (don't ask me why, I do not know), and I was facing west. All of the sudden someone started to set off fireworks. This is all well and good, but intermittently they are launching automobiles in my direction. Yes, automobiles: compacts, SUVs, busses, you name it. I could hear the screams and cries of people being hit and telling others to get out of the way. After the opening salvo, they catapulted a multitude of blackbirds into the sky which landed with a messy splat on the ground.
I was able to hide from the blackbirds, but I felt I wasn't clear of the storm yet. Seconds later, armed men were storming every house as far as I could see. At this point, I started running to a room in the house where I thought I had some weapon which I could fight back. Some guy (who reminded me of an extra from Revenge of the Nerds) was chasing me with his rifle. I ended up waylaying him and putting my thumbs into his eyes 28 Days Later style. I grabbed his rifle and headed to the front door. This is when I woke up...
That is the LAST time I have hot pockets and hard cider before I go to bed!

I was looking outside the house on Crystal and Eben (don't ask me why, I do not know), and I was facing west. All of the sudden someone started to set off fireworks. This is all well and good, but intermittently they are launching automobiles in my direction. Yes, automobiles: compacts, SUVs, busses, you name it. I could hear the screams and cries of people being hit and telling others to get out of the way. After the opening salvo, they catapulted a multitude of blackbirds into the sky which landed with a messy splat on the ground.
I was able to hide from the blackbirds, but I felt I wasn't clear of the storm yet. Seconds later, armed men were storming every house as far as I could see. At this point, I started running to a room in the house where I thought I had some weapon which I could fight back. Some guy (who reminded me of an extra from Revenge of the Nerds) was chasing me with his rifle. I ended up waylaying him and putting my thumbs into his eyes 28 Days Later style. I grabbed his rifle and headed to the front door. This is when I woke up...
That is the LAST time I have hot pockets and hard cider before I go to bed!

Also, one about cleaning up a murder scene with Snoop Dogg.