Friday Nov 02, 2007 Nov 1, 2007 0 Facebook Tweet Email Something for Star Trek fans, mainly. *goes back to writing less than 1667 words a day, dammit* VIEW 7 of 7 COMMENTS savage: Haha yeah Im the one with a gob full of food!!! I think I was about 17 in that pic, I always think short hair is a goods idea but then instantly regret getting it cut . Not really a star treck fan but do like torchwood Nov 5, 2007 nena: Well, I just write when I feel the need of doing it, when I need to express what I'm feeling. That's why I find extremely difficult that word-counting. Nov 5, 2007
I think I was about 17 in that pic, I always think short hair is a goods idea but then instantly regret getting it cut .
Not really a star treck fan but do like torchwood