Tonight's culinary experiment:
Boil a dozen new potatoes with a sprinkling of salt and rosemary. Cut a few slices of honey roast ham lengthwise into strips. When the potatoes are soft enough, drain through a siv and roll them around so the rosemary gets all over them. Wrap each in a strip of ham while they're still hot enough to burn your fingers.
Put them on a plate, take them to the computer, eat them while browsing the web, then post a journal about culinary experiments that are probably not worth the time they took to do and go have a bowl of cereal instead.
*goes to get bowl of cereal*
In all fairness, rosemary tends to be the only thing I put on... well, anything. Usually I'd just put it on lamb. Sometimes I use ginger, for some reason. In any case, remembering Otik's spicy potatoes from the Inn of the Last Home in the Dragonlance Chronicles by Weiss & Hickman, I figured I'd try putting the rosemary on the potatoes instead. Somehow I don't think powdered ginger would fare so well in boiling water, for some reason...
In any case, while the potatoes have some extra flavour to them, I don't think rosemary is the key to Otik's recipe. Rosemary and ginger are the only herbs I've ever bought, because I don't use these things often enough and they spoil before I'm halfway through them. But any advice people have on how to make potatoes genuinely spicy would be appreciated.
And pears. I think I should do something with pears... something involving honey? I can't recall.
Boil a dozen new potatoes with a sprinkling of salt and rosemary. Cut a few slices of honey roast ham lengthwise into strips. When the potatoes are soft enough, drain through a siv and roll them around so the rosemary gets all over them. Wrap each in a strip of ham while they're still hot enough to burn your fingers.
Put them on a plate, take them to the computer, eat them while browsing the web, then post a journal about culinary experiments that are probably not worth the time they took to do and go have a bowl of cereal instead.
*goes to get bowl of cereal*
In all fairness, rosemary tends to be the only thing I put on... well, anything. Usually I'd just put it on lamb. Sometimes I use ginger, for some reason. In any case, remembering Otik's spicy potatoes from the Inn of the Last Home in the Dragonlance Chronicles by Weiss & Hickman, I figured I'd try putting the rosemary on the potatoes instead. Somehow I don't think powdered ginger would fare so well in boiling water, for some reason...
In any case, while the potatoes have some extra flavour to them, I don't think rosemary is the key to Otik's recipe. Rosemary and ginger are the only herbs I've ever bought, because I don't use these things often enough and they spoil before I'm halfway through them. But any advice people have on how to make potatoes genuinely spicy would be appreciated.
And pears. I think I should do something with pears... something involving honey? I can't recall.
Maybe thats why I have problems with my teeth
Miyo makes some awesome potatoe / chip things, I still haven't got that recipe.......