Thursday Apr 21, 2005 Apr 21, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email Well, alone and heart-broken again. Just when I tought I had a nice sweet guy on my hands, BAM! He turns out to be like all the other sorry fucks out there. MAybe I should just become a nun and forget dating... VIEW 6 of 6 COMMENTS ozzz: Hey girl!! What happened? you went MIA for noches de galeria... Oh well... hope you're ok. Oz May 4, 2005 ozzz: Hope you feel better now, sorry to hear that. When am I going to Philly? Call me up and find out. You owe me one now... jejejeje If you're not too busy though. Ozzy May 6, 2005
What happened? you went MIA for noches de galeria...
Oh well... hope you're ok.
Call me up and find out.
You owe me one now... jejejeje
If you're not too busy though.