I am so tired, I have not been getting a lot of sleep lately. I got woken up this morning to two cats fighting. I would like none of my roommates cats to come in my room. But, then I would have to punish mine by keeping the door closed all the time or keeping them locked in my room. My cats a use to roaming the house all the time. She locks all 17 of her cats in her room at night. But she hasn't in two weeks, so I wake up to fighting cats and my stuff pissed on.
I got one of my babies declawed because of her. I never wanted to do that, but her cats that need to be fixed she never does. No she just go spends money. I am sorry I just needed to vent for a minute.
I am done now.

I got one of my babies declawed because of her. I never wanted to do that, but her cats that need to be fixed she never does. No she just go spends money. I am sorry I just needed to vent for a minute.
I am done now.

Declawing sucks, but fishnets rock. 

Thank you hun. Lets be friends.