so its been a bit since ive written in here saturday was really rough it was year 2 since my moms death but saturday would have been her 61st birthday if it wasnt for the fact that her birthday is the day before halloween i would probably eventually just stroll on buy and not even think about it but as seeing its the day before a major holiday i never will and halloween and christmas are well were her favourite holidays they are also mine well halloween use to be but with it being the day before her birthday the past two years i just dont have the halloween spirt in me and thats really sad but i hope one day it will come back but we will see
Losing a parent is hard. I lost my dad several years ago, and I think about it every day of my life. It will get easier, but it's always there. 

That sucks, I can't say I relate to it. It is however two months 'till a year since I made my parents grandparents.
You still around?