And so with the advent of another great Quinne set I have got round to doing a new blog. And talking of Quinne sets, is it me or are the photo's even when she's not 'au naturel' simply stunning too, check out 8 and 32 from this new set and especially the first few from Blue, which is one of my favourite sets on the site - mainly due to the quality of the first few pics (3 and 8 being amazing) and the looks she gives to camera. Oh, and she's got great boobs too.
(And this following a day after Ember's latest too...)
So why so long between blogs - well have been busy with work, including two trips to Spain to shoot some VTs, then editing them (all which ended with them turning out excellent even if I do say so myself) and then I've had a few days off, but my PC crashed the day I bought an iPod, so had to reformat the hard drive, re-install etc and with the PC sat in the lounge to make it easier to access it's insides (took the oportunity to make a few adjustments to it) I've not been typing away on the old keyboard too much.
And now I'm blogging, I'm waffling too much.
So, what's new you might ask...
I bought an amazing 3cd mix set today from Fred Deakin of Lemon Jelly. Really diverse stuff, from the typical to the unheard of via such bands as Japan, Siouxsie and the Banshees, BBC radiophonic workshop and Peter Seeger.
My mixer has almost given up the ghost so I've forked out for a new one from ebay (new to me, ex demo but at a great price). So hopefully my SG influenced mix will now get completed (from Lydia Lunch to Marylin Manson, LCD soundsystem to Peaches) and uploaded to my new website...
Oh that's right I've swapped Broadband providers, and so can update my website with it's extra space at last and post some mixes etc as well as my showreel.
It's still going strong with Louise (possibly my longest relationship to date, mainly as I've been such a loner in the past - okay loner's not quite the word...)
I'm loving my iPod - and one thing I've downloaded is Peanut Butter Wolf's 666. It's all hard rock mixed as a hip hop DJ would if he normally did that kind of thing, but it's awesome and I think it was free to download via Stone's Throw (either the podcasts on iTunes or the website).
I stayed up and watched all the Oscars, as I usually do. Never been a big fan of the overall outcome but stay up and watch anyway. A good year for the winners (very even spread and a handfull for Pan's Labarynth is good).
And I found a new Ben and Jerry ice cream with 50% extra - so huge tub with vanilla ice cream with broken dime bars in (not that they call them dime bars).
But I've bored you enough so must dash and get some food before BattleStar Gallactica comes on, or I'll Sky+ it and watch a DVD first (Hard Candy with commentary could be a goer)
Take care, keep smiling
(And this following a day after Ember's latest too...)
So why so long between blogs - well have been busy with work, including two trips to Spain to shoot some VTs, then editing them (all which ended with them turning out excellent even if I do say so myself) and then I've had a few days off, but my PC crashed the day I bought an iPod, so had to reformat the hard drive, re-install etc and with the PC sat in the lounge to make it easier to access it's insides (took the oportunity to make a few adjustments to it) I've not been typing away on the old keyboard too much.
And now I'm blogging, I'm waffling too much.
So, what's new you might ask...
I bought an amazing 3cd mix set today from Fred Deakin of Lemon Jelly. Really diverse stuff, from the typical to the unheard of via such bands as Japan, Siouxsie and the Banshees, BBC radiophonic workshop and Peter Seeger.
My mixer has almost given up the ghost so I've forked out for a new one from ebay (new to me, ex demo but at a great price). So hopefully my SG influenced mix will now get completed (from Lydia Lunch to Marylin Manson, LCD soundsystem to Peaches) and uploaded to my new website...
Oh that's right I've swapped Broadband providers, and so can update my website with it's extra space at last and post some mixes etc as well as my showreel.
It's still going strong with Louise (possibly my longest relationship to date, mainly as I've been such a loner in the past - okay loner's not quite the word...)
I'm loving my iPod - and one thing I've downloaded is Peanut Butter Wolf's 666. It's all hard rock mixed as a hip hop DJ would if he normally did that kind of thing, but it's awesome and I think it was free to download via Stone's Throw (either the podcasts on iTunes or the website).
I stayed up and watched all the Oscars, as I usually do. Never been a big fan of the overall outcome but stay up and watch anyway. A good year for the winners (very even spread and a handfull for Pan's Labarynth is good).
And I found a new Ben and Jerry ice cream with 50% extra - so huge tub with vanilla ice cream with broken dime bars in (not that they call them dime bars).
But I've bored you enough so must dash and get some food before BattleStar Gallactica comes on, or I'll Sky+ it and watch a DVD first (Hard Candy with commentary could be a goer)
Take care, keep smiling

2. What was your dream growing up? to be an artist
3. What talent do you wish you had? to be able to work on cars and really understand them.
4. Favorite place? In bed in between my cat and my boy.
5. Favorite vegetable? corn
6. What was the last book you read? Just finished Dwelling Places
7. What zodiac sign are you ? Leo, rawr
8. Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? ears peirced a bunch o times, tattoo on my hip and back.
9. Worst Habit? not cleaning the cat litter. Biting my nails. Speeding. SG.
10. Do we know each other outside of SG? nope! but i hope in the future, you never know.
11. What is your favorite sport? I did gymnastics in high school. I love baseball.
12. Negative or Optimistic attitude? Realist.
13. What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me? Freak out, i hate elevators
14. Worst thing to ever happen to you? October
15. Tell me one weird fact about you: I can get ready in the morning faster than anyone i know.
16. Do have any pets? yep... a cat named auto, 3 fish, a gerbil named paisley, and a boyfriend. i clean up after the latter the most, so he counts.
17. Do you know how to do the macerana? When everyone else is doing it.
18. What time is it where you are now? 2:39 pm
19. Do you think clowns are cute or scary? i guess pretty creepy
20. If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be??? i want to color my hair again, so i wish that was done already.
21. Would you be my crime partner or my conscience? your partner in crime. as long as youre not killing puppies or anything.
22. What color eyes do you have? Brown usually. Hazel in the sun.
23. Ever been arrested? No, I'm a good little muffin.
24. Bottle or Draft? Whatever they have cider as.
25. If you won $10,000 dollars today, what would you do with it? Pay back my mom. Then buy a new car.
26. What kind of bubble gum do you prefer to chew? anything fruity or minty.
27. What's your favorite bar to hang at? O'neills for San Mateo. Dive Bar for San Jose. Impala for San Francisco. and.. Nola's for Palo Alto.
28. Do you believe in ghosts? Not the creepy kind.
29. Favorite thing to do in your spare time? sleep
30. Do you swear a lot? i think so. i dont listen to myself.
31. Biggest pet peeve? Stupid people.
32. Would you date me? hmm, i'll think about it
33. Suggest a band or song for me to download right now. anything by Rocky Votolato. do it right now!!
34. Suggest a resturant for me to try. anything japanese.
oh and the answer would be happiness.