Well, well, well - I'm updating my SGs journal for the first time in ages. Not that I've been elsewhere or anything, I tend to pop by here most days and see what's going on.
But thanks to work and buying a flat I've been rather bad at writing anything apart from scripts to help promote Shopping Telly (and as that's my job I can't avoid that really).
And I've certainly not abandoned SGs for MySpace http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=4637342 (even though I did post a blog there a few weeks back) I just haven't really had that much to say that'd be of any real interest I guess.
But as I'm here and updating then here's a short list of things that may explain more of what I've been up to and kind of where my heads at (as it were)
Last vinyl bought - Go Team LP, Metallica "Frantic" Unkle remix, Baubles Vol 1 (Psych Rock comp), Lemon Jelly "Nice Weather..." 7" (good old eBay),
Last DVDs bought - Lie With Me (region 1), Bit of Fry and Laurie, Green Wing, Nightingales (early Channel 4 sitcom)
Last CDs bought - HHGTTG (OST), Scratch (OST), Mighty Boosh (Radio series)
Last mix worked on - Rock based (in order - Hard Fi, Gorillaz, Killers, LCD Soundsystem, Tom Vek, Marilyn Manson, Fatboy Slim, The Cult... then possibly Queens of Stone Age, that's as far I've got that I'm happy with) all on Vinyl and should one day get recorded as a mix CD
TV shows I'm enjoying - Battlestar Gallactica, Green Wing, My Name is Earl, Grand Designs, House,
Last films seen - Silent Hill (good but a tad long) Hostel (over hyped and too much 'Porkys' for me), V for Vendetta (great), Inside Man (solid)
Last proper meals I cooked - Tuna Pasta Bake (own recipe and my favourite comfort food), Quesediallas (hhmm mexican cuisine), Hot Pastrami Bagels (okay not had much of a chance to do a big meal for a few weeks - working 'til 8pm most nights means I tend to snack when I get in - which I know's not great...)
Last books received - (would say bought but they were a gift from my Sister) MirrorMask,
Tingo, Balderdash and Piffle
Last comics bought - Neverwhere, Powers, (Joss Wheenden's) X men, Batman and the Monster Men, Grant Morrison's 7 Soldiers series (well the latest titles there in)
Last paperwork done - Solicitors application to represent me buying a flat, The mortgage paperwork for said flat
Last websites visted - Suicide Girls (of course), Aint it cool, Wikipedia, Other Crap
Last, and by no means least, thing I spent money on - (well apart from milk, bread etc) a nice burgandy satin(ish) bedspread.
And with that I shall leave you while I think of a better journal entry.
Chock-a-bloke checking out
(oh and I've uploaded quite a few more pics just now - enjoy)

But thanks to work and buying a flat I've been rather bad at writing anything apart from scripts to help promote Shopping Telly (and as that's my job I can't avoid that really).
And I've certainly not abandoned SGs for MySpace http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=4637342 (even though I did post a blog there a few weeks back) I just haven't really had that much to say that'd be of any real interest I guess.
But as I'm here and updating then here's a short list of things that may explain more of what I've been up to and kind of where my heads at (as it were)
Last vinyl bought - Go Team LP, Metallica "Frantic" Unkle remix, Baubles Vol 1 (Psych Rock comp), Lemon Jelly "Nice Weather..." 7" (good old eBay),
Last DVDs bought - Lie With Me (region 1), Bit of Fry and Laurie, Green Wing, Nightingales (early Channel 4 sitcom)
Last CDs bought - HHGTTG (OST), Scratch (OST), Mighty Boosh (Radio series)
Last mix worked on - Rock based (in order - Hard Fi, Gorillaz, Killers, LCD Soundsystem, Tom Vek, Marilyn Manson, Fatboy Slim, The Cult... then possibly Queens of Stone Age, that's as far I've got that I'm happy with) all on Vinyl and should one day get recorded as a mix CD
TV shows I'm enjoying - Battlestar Gallactica, Green Wing, My Name is Earl, Grand Designs, House,
Last films seen - Silent Hill (good but a tad long) Hostel (over hyped and too much 'Porkys' for me), V for Vendetta (great), Inside Man (solid)
Last proper meals I cooked - Tuna Pasta Bake (own recipe and my favourite comfort food), Quesediallas (hhmm mexican cuisine), Hot Pastrami Bagels (okay not had much of a chance to do a big meal for a few weeks - working 'til 8pm most nights means I tend to snack when I get in - which I know's not great...)
Last books received - (would say bought but they were a gift from my Sister) MirrorMask,
Tingo, Balderdash and Piffle
Last comics bought - Neverwhere, Powers, (Joss Wheenden's) X men, Batman and the Monster Men, Grant Morrison's 7 Soldiers series (well the latest titles there in)
Last paperwork done - Solicitors application to represent me buying a flat, The mortgage paperwork for said flat
Last websites visted - Suicide Girls (of course), Aint it cool, Wikipedia, Other Crap
Last, and by no means least, thing I spent money on - (well apart from milk, bread etc) a nice burgandy satin(ish) bedspread.
And with that I shall leave you while I think of a better journal entry.
Chock-a-bloke checking out
(oh and I've uploaded quite a few more pics just now - enjoy)