Been ages since I've made an effort with my SGs profile or blog. Life's been really busy and so I only pop by the site occasionally.
I must make more of an effort as I do enjoy reading what other people have to say, as well as looking at all the nice pictures of course.
So hopefully this is the start of me making more...
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I must make more of an effort as I do enjoy reading what other people have to say, as well as looking at all the nice pictures of course.
So hopefully this is the start of me making more...
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Not been feeling too great, has been a stomach bug going round and yesterday it took it's toll on me - so looking at boobs wil hopefullyl cheer me up
Not much to update, same old same old really. Go to work, make TV, come home, watch TV, call the GF, go on Twitter, look at boobs on here except at weekends when I get to hang with the GF.
Since Xmas I have not - progressed with any scripts, or made any new podcasts, or applied for any jobs (not seen any to be...
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Since Xmas I have not - progressed with any scripts, or made any new podcasts, or applied for any jobs (not seen any to be...
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That sounds like my day man. Minus the girlfriend part. But I'm working on it. lol

aw thank you for the sweet comment! 

So Xmas is over for another year; and it wasn't a bad one (even if i was full of cold and feeling ill). Next up is my Birthday (hhmm, more presents - I like the sound of that).
Must make more of an effort this yeat to be creative again - love doing the comedy Podcasts, but need to do some video sketches or something...
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Must make more of an effort this yeat to be creative again - love doing the comedy Podcasts, but need to do some video sketches or something...
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Wow, a week off work is a great thing. I managed a lie in today until midday - first time in ages my body clock has been relaxed enough to allow such a late wake up.
I managed a lot too - helped parents clear their loft (and found loads of my old toys and books etc - oh the memories), stayed over with my...
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I managed a lot too - helped parents clear their loft (and found loads of my old toys and books etc - oh the memories), stayed over with my...
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Happy Holidays!

Thank you so very much for your comment on my set. Cheers!
I am so tired, but thanks to the lovely interweb I have self diagnosed the fact I'm suffering from Fatigue (a great blanket term for tiredness) which makes sense seeing as I've not taken a proper break from work for over 6 months (just the odd day here and there 'to get things done').
So I'm now counting the days to my week off work...
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So I'm now counting the days to my week off work...
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Feel better soon
Feel better soon

Brand new script under way - start from scratch and try and write it as a complete piece without getting into the usual hang ups I find when writing for myself, and see if I can simply write a full script that is sell'able.
Let's see how it goes.
In other news the media museum is going okay, needs to be funnier but for an...
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Let's see how it goes.
In other news the media museum is going okay, needs to be funnier but for an...
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Hey, not much to say. Have finished 2 scripts from the proposed short film series and keep getting distracted by ideas for the feature script even though I wanted to put it aside until I'd get the ball rolling on the shorts... oh well such is life as a creative.
In other news - saw Iron Man (which was really good, better than expected) by...
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In other news - saw Iron Man (which was really good, better than expected) by...
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thank you for commenting my new set! xoxo
I must change my profile pic soon, I've now got long hair and haven't DJ'd for sometime either (well not at parties - still 'bedroom' DJ to relax, though in the 'office' as the dex and PC etc are here and not in my bedroom, but not played the Vinyl copy of Slipnot for sometime - as seen in the pic of me scratching it...
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thank you for your comment on my new set! xoxo
And so the Festivities are almost upon us, my neighbours have an annoying light display (well they've randomly put lights up and switched them all on at once - no Wizards in Winter here) and I'm even starting to listen to 'Hoilday' music. Okay that's what's it seems to be known as in The US. In the UK Holiday music means crap songs sung on...
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Thanks for the comment mister. : )