Nothing grinds my gears more than a set waiting in queue for 3-4 months and upon release the model has shown little to almost zero effort on this site. It just amazes me. To all you Hopefuls out there that work your butts off, posting blogs and in forums and threads, I see you. And I appreciate the effort you put into becoming an SG.
I remember back before SG turned into Instagram with some nude photos thrown in. Back when it was unique. When it had its own chat. And the models could truly interact with members. And members with members. When it felt like an actual community.
Now models spam sets into the queue sometime three or four at a time without waiting for feedback. With no interaction with the site or the members.
I’m tired of clicking on a models set that I am interested in and then to her page to learn more about her, only to find the only thing on her page is her set. I will not click ‘Like’ on a set where a model has taken no effort. And more than a few times, I’ve actually clicked the ‘Not For Me’, because I’m tired of seeing instapinks with the same zero effort.
Queue the hate comments...