Hello SG!! Time for another blog. This week I want to showcase the overwhelming beauty that is @eveowl. I can’t tell you how happy I was to see Narcisse make SotD. (Of course I firmly believe that Belle Plante, her debut set with over 3400 likes, should have Insta-Pinked her) Every one of her sets is better than the one that came before. Eveowl has an ineffable beauty that shines no matter what the setting. She is just breathtaking. Her eyes and smile stop my heart. Guys and Dolls, I’m telling you, she’s stunning. Take a look for yourself:
Below: Belle Plante by @cersei
Below: Cookie Thumper by @jupiter
Below: Moonchild by @ayah
Below: Narcisse by @r_girardi
Below: The Cake is Not a Lie by @minuminula
Below: Voyeur by @shaine
@missy @sean