Today is my older brother Warwick's birthday,
he used to be a member here before he ran off
to Queensland and was the person who initially
introduced me to SG. Anyway happy 28th birthday
Wazza I hope you have a good one.
In other random news:
he used to be a member here before he ran off
to Queensland and was the person who initially
introduced me to SG. Anyway happy 28th birthday
Wazza I hope you have a good one.

In other random news:
traceelement says:
Life confuses me, and the universe in all its intricate detail
just compounds the dicombobulation I suffer on a day to
day basis.
mellylou says:
I am having a meaning of it all existentialist crisis
traceelement says:
Really? I thought that didn't happen until one turned 42.
mellylou says:
Nah that's when you know
Just under 4 hours now until Australia vs Italy. go you socceroos
happy b'day wazzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa